Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
Dutch telecom athority · RCD
Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
(State Inspectorate for Digital Infrastructure)
abbreviated RDI,
is the Telecom Authority of the Netherlands,
responsible for digital security, space-related
communication, frequency allocation,
enforcing the Telecom Law and monitoring the use of the frequency spectrum.
It is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and
is based in Groningen and Amersfoort (Netherlands).
Over the years, the organisation was renamed several times.
In the distant past, it was part of the Dutch Post Office
(PTT) and fell under the Ministry of Transport.
Until 1 January 2023, the organisation was known as Agentschap Telecom (AT).
The new name – RDI – is supposed to better reflect the agency's
responsibilities in the digital era [15]. Nevertheless, the general
public commonly refers to the organisation by its earlier names AT and
RCD. Here are the names by which the organisation was/is known
(further details below):
RCD equipment on this website
The history of the RDI (formerly: RCD) is somewhat clouded
and most websites give incomplete or incorrect information.
The most complete overview up to 1995, can be found in Frans Kluiters'
book Index of Security Agencies in The Netherlands [1].
The agency started life in 1927 as
Radio Controle Dienst
(Radio Monitoring Service) – abbreviated RCD –
and was at that time part of the state-owned Dutch Post Office (PTT),
operating under and on behalf of the Ministry of Transport.
Although the name RCD did not disappear until 1989, its work was interrupted
by WWII.
During the war, the RCD continued to exist, but was only allowed to
investigate radio interference, under strict supervision of the German occupant.
Nevertheless, some RCD personnel, such as
Anton van Schendel, were active members
of the Dutch Resistance,
and used the RCD as a cover to travel the country
with clandestine radio equipment without raising suspicion.
The clandestine radio equipment, generally known as
spy radio sets,
where used by various resistance groups
for passing messages and intelligence
to the Dutch Government in Exile in London.
➤ More about the Dutch resistance
➤ More about Anton van Schendel
Finally, in 1975, the OCZ and GMP were merged again under the name
The new RCD acted under supervision of the PTT.
During the 1970s and 1980s, the RCD arguably had its most busy era when
The Netherlands was flooded with clandestine radio stations,
also known as pirates.
Initially, the RCD had its headquarters in Den Haag (The Hague), but in
1974 all departments were moved to the magnificent building on the right:
the iconic history-rich NERA radio station in Nederhorst den Berg where,
back in 1954, the RCD had installed a radio monitoring station.
The building at NERA (Nederhorst den Berg Radio) was erected
shortly after WWII — in July 1948 — for the international radio traffic of
the PTT. The central location of the premises and the moist terrain
had proved to be ideal for the reception of (weak) radio signals.
It was opened in 1950.
After the first trans-atlantic telecommunications cable became available
in 1956 and the first telecommunications satellite was launched in 1958,
the interest in radio for long distance communication declined rapidly.
In 1974, the last radio link (with Paramaribo) was closed [2].
In the meantime, several other organisations had used the premises
for experiments and research. Once the radio station was closed, the
PTT moved all departments of the RCD to NERA and gave it full control
over the premises. On 7 May 1981 the fully refurbished
NERA building was reopened.
One of the first events at the new premises was a visit from the
(then) State Secretary of Traffic, Mrs. Neelie Smit-Kroes.
The director of the RCD, Daan Neuteboom,
gave her a tour through the building, presented his
'troups' and complained about the fact that he was understaffed.
When Mrs. Kroes asked him how many extra people he needed, he stared
at the ceeling for a moment, and replied 'Fourty Mrs. State Secretary' [3].
She promised him his new staff and also gave the green light
for the development of a new high-end surveillance receiver:
the PAN-1000.
This situation lasted until 1989 when the PTT was privatized.
As the RCD had law enforcement tasks, it was put under the supervision
of the newly erected HDTP
and was renamed RDR. A few years later, in 2002, the agency was
detached from the Ministry of Transport and came under the supervision
of the Ministry of Economics. At the same time, its name was changed to the
more generic Agentschap Telecom (Telecom Agency), abbreviated AT,
headquartered in Groningen.
In 2005, the AT left the NERA building in Nederhorst den Berg and
moved its operational division to Amersfoort, where it is still
located today. The large mast is still present and is now remotely
controlled from Amersfoort via a radio link.
Plans for demolition of the building and development of the surounding
area for housing, have been met with great critisism [2].
In 2010, NERA became a listed building and has meanwhile been bought by
a private party, largely for nostalgic reasons.
In 2023, after 20 years, the name of the agency was changed again,
this time into Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
(State Inspectorate for Digital Infrastructure), abbreviated RDI.
According to the RDI's website, the new name was necessary 1 to emphasize
the agencies new tasks with respect to digital continuity and security [15].
In addition, all e-mail addresses and telephone numbers were changed.
Check the RDI website for the current contact information.
➤ Timeline
This doesn't seem to make any sense whatsover, as the
old name covers the entire domain of telecommunication, whilst the
new one is restricted to the digital sub-domain only.
Over the years, the RDI/AT/RCD has used and still uses a wide variety
of equipment for its many different tasks. Some of the (historic)
equipment is highlighted on this website:
SSR-201 was an aperiodic or non-selective receiver, developed during
WWII for use by the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA. It was used for
finding clandestine radio stations, operated by – mainly German –
spies in the US and in the UK.
After the war, the device was also used by the Radio Monitoring Services
of several European countries, including the Netherlands.
➤ More information
DAG-1 was a portable radio direction finder, initially developed in 1942
for the US Navy, but later also used by other military services and even
by law enforcement agencies abroad.
In the period following WWII,
the DAG-1 was used in The Netherlands by the
Special Radio Service (BRD), which monitored the frequency spectrum
for spies. The BRD was dissolved into the RCD in 1975.
➤ More information
BC-792 – also known as SCR-504 – was a portable covert direction finder,
developed in 1943 and used by the OSS (the predecessor of the CIA) for
finding clandestine transmitters operated by spies during WWII.
The device is concealed as a regular leather travel suitcase, and was also
used during the early part of the Cold War in various European countries.
➤ More information
In the early days of the of the RCD, small portable direction finding
receivers were used for finding pirate radio stations. One example
is the Wilhelm Quante StSG-52 shown on the right.
In his early days as an inspector, RCD director Daan Neuteboom toured the
countryside with this device, seated on the back of a bicycle.
➤ More information
Especially for measurements and locating in close proximity of an
(illegal) transmitter, the tunable FS-3CE field strength meter was used.
The portable meter was made by Sadelco in the USA and has a
surprisingly acurate readout.
Furthermore it can demodulate the received signal, so that the operator
can check whether the correct station is being traced.
➤ More information
The ADF-320 was similar to the ADF-210 (above), but was suitable for
frequencies in the VHF-H band (148-174 MHz).
These frequencies were used
for two-way radio traffic by police, commercial parties and for maritime
➤ More information
The ADF-940 is a later version of the 10-channel ADF-210,
which was rather limited, and the 28-channel ADF-928, which was only suitable
for the original 28 CB channels in AM.
Instead, the ADF-940 covers all 40 channels of the expanded 27 MHz CB-band,
in both AM and FM. Furthermore, it has a built-in scanner.
➤ More information
The ADF-T12, was a radio direction finder that was used in airplanes
for finding the bearing to a long-range radio beacon when naviating.
The RCD discovered that the device was also highly suitable for finding
clandestine radio stations (pirates) that operated in the
Medium Wave (MW) AM broadcast band.
➤ More information
The PAN-1000 was an intercept and surveillance receiver,
developed in the early 1980s by the
Dutch Radar Laboratory (NRP)
for the RCD. It was used for finding clandestine transmitters
and was designed to fit inside a regular car.
Development of the receiver took several years and a single unit was
priced at NLG 160,000 (~EUR 73,000). About 30 units were made.
➤ More information
Alongside the PAN-1000 intercept receiver (see above), the NRP also
released this small portable field-strength indicator that was used
by the law enforcement officers to pinpoint the location of
clandestine transmitter at very close range.
This unit has a built-in frequency counter that could be enabled
temporarily by the user,
to quickly determine the frequency of the signal.
➤ More information
This mobile frequency counter was mounted in the dashboard of some intercept
vehicles, in some cases in the bay that was intended for the car stereo.
The counter automatically locks onto the strongest signal
in its vicinity, so that the intercept officer
immediately knows the frequency of the signal to intercept.
The BMR-1000 was succeeded around 1997 by the CR-3000C (below).
➤ More information
This mobile frequency counter was mounted in the dashboard of some intercept
vehicles, in most cases in the bay that was intended for the car stereo.
The counter automatically locks onto the strongest signal
in its vicinity, so that the intercept officer
immediately knows the frequency of the signal to intercept.
➤ More information
TAIYO direction finder
For real direction finding jobs, the RCD/AT used the TAIYO
TD-L1706. It was introduced in the late 1980s for use in
combination with the PAN-1000 intercept system,
and was later used again with its successor,
the PAN-2000.
The system consists of a main unit, a compass display (shown on the right)
and an flat antenna that could be disguised as the sunroof of a car.
➤ More information
Minilock was a series of high-end receivers that were ideal
for surveillance and intercept tasks. The RCD used a variety
of such communications receivers, including the Minilock 6910.
➤ More information
For tracing clandestine radio stations and for finding sources of
radio and television interference, the RDI has to rely on mobile
radio monitoring installations. Depending on the task, suitable contemporary
vehicles are used. Below is a non-exhaustive overview of vehicles that
have been used by the agency. Some of these vehicles were equipped with
direction finding equipment.
One of the first mobile monitoring stations used by the agency,
was housed inside a Ford Transit van. In order to hide its true identity,
the Transit was disguised as a camper van, complete with curtains and a
roof rack. The rather large circular direction finding antenna, was installed
as a 'spare tyre' on the roof rack.
These Ford Transit camper vans were used well into the 1970s.
The image above shows one of the Ford Transit vans that were used by the
Bijzondere Radio Dienst (BRD) during the 1960s. The picture was taken
on the Waalsdorpervlakte in Scheveningen (Netherlands) during an experiment
with VHF direction finding. The man standing in front of the car is Gerard
Mulder. His boss, Piet van Egmond, is standing aside the vehicle [4].
The image above shows the interior of the Ford Transit camper van.
Central in the picture is the
Telefunken Telegon direction finder
that was used on the HF bands. It was connected to a large direction
finding antenna that was installed on the roof rack, disguised as the
spare tyre. The unit to the left of the Telegon,
is a VHF converter that was used for an experiment.
This type of vehicle was still in use when the agency
changed its name back to Radio Controle Dienst (RCD) in 1975.
In the late 1970s, when The Netherlands was flooded with clandestine
radio stations and illegal CB band users — commonly known as pirates —
the RCD started using regular sedan-type cars.
One of the first standard cars to be used was the Ford Granada, shown in
the image below. It was choosen because it attracted far less attention
than the bulky Ford Transit camper van, and had a plastic rooftop
under which some of the (directional) antennas were discretely hidden from view.
As the pressure was high and budgets were thight, it was decided to by
the cheapest variant of the Granada in the standard colour: white.
As part of the conversion into an intercept vehicle, the cars were sprayed
in a less obtrusive colour – like dark blue or metallic beige – and most of the interior was stripped in order to accomodate hidden antennas, cabling
and a lot of equipment.
The equipment that was needed for reception and direction finding,
was housed inside a small 12U 19" rack that was placed on the passenger
seat, in such a way that the equipment could be operated by the driver.
In the rare image on the right the contents of the
rack are clearly visible.
It contains a Bendix direction finder, an
ADF-940 direction finder,
a Sadelco field strength meter,
a 27 MHz CB transceiver, a computer scanner,
a tape recorder and a pager. In addition, some vehicles were equipped with
a two-way radio that was mounted to the right side of the rack.
The rack was mounted on a bracket, so that it could be removed within a
few minutes, which was necessary as some operators used the vehicle as the
family car during the weekend. Apart from the equipment in the rack, the
car was fitted with a digital Blaupunkt car radio (with its control panel
on a flexible arm to the right of the steering wheel), an early
car phone and an attenuator.
In the diagram below, the 19" equipment rack is shown in yellow,
marked with the letter 'A'. The image on the right shows another variant
of the intercept rack inside the blue Ford Granada with licence plate
FZ-36-YF, taken around 1985 [3].
In this particular setup a special VHF variant of the
OAR direction finder was used,
probably with the model number
ADF-928, whilst the
Sadelco field strength meter
is visible just below/behind the steering wheel.
The wide unit at the bottom of the rack is a high-end
Handic 0016 computer scanner,
which was very popular at the time [3].
In the early 1980s, after the RCD had moved from The Hague to
Nederhorst den Berg (NERA), the purpose-built
PAN-1000 receiver
was introduced. It replaced earlier less accurate receivers and was
built inside the trunk of the existing Ford Granada vehicles, with a
panoramic display mounted at the dashboard, and an intuitive remote control unit
in between the two front seats.
The 19" racks (1) and
(2) are mounted in the trunk.
The interface between the receiver and the display would be fitted inside
the glove compartment (3) of the car,
whilst the display itself was mounted on the dasboard (4). Finally, the
remote control unit was mounted between the seats,
just aside the handbrake (5).
The antenna was mounted somewhere on the body of the car (6).
Although the Ford Granada was a rather unobtrusive car, it soon became
an RCD icon and was widely known by the pirates who assembled long
lists of RCD licence plates. In order to catch more pirates, the agency
then started using other vehicles as well, such as the Peugeot 204.
➤ More about the PAN-1000
Documentary of Dutch TV station KRO about the ever increating number of
clandestine radio stations (pirates) in The Netherlands in 1983.
RCD employee John Roth shows how clandestine transmitters cause
radio interference, whilst enforcement officer Cor Moerman demonstrates
how he locates an unmanned pirate station with his
EP-35T panoramic monitoring receiver.
Source: KRO Brandpunt, 1983 [11]
This video shows a number of stills from a 1983 documentary about the
Mobile Monitoring group of the RCD, with voice-overs by RCD employees
Gerard Mulder and John Roth.
It shows a number of vans with a selection of
monitoring receivers and scanners, used for identifying and locating sources of
radio inter.ference (RFI). From 1975 to 1982 the name of this
department had been CPG [5].
Source: Youtube user LIONS [5]
This is a recording of radio program Parnassa, aired by Dutch station
Hilversum 2 in the mid-1980s, RCD enforcement officer Cor Moerman gives a tour
around the RCD's internal museum in Nederhorst den Berg.
When the RCD left the premises in Nederhorst den Berg in 2005, the internal
museum was closed and most of the museum objects were discarded.
The video shows a random collection of images related to the RCD/RDI.
Source: Atlantic Hilversum [16]
This episode of Brandpunt was aired on a Sunday in 1986 by Dutch
television broadcaster KRO. At the time it was estimated that more than 10,000
pirates were active in the country — more than 60% of all radio pirates
in Western Europe.
The video shows how clandestine commercial radio stations in Hilversum and
Den Haag were captured, and how they resumed their broadcasts in less than
an hour.
Source: KRO Brandpunt [14]
In this television documentary of 1990 it is shown how clandestine
wireless telephone sets caused radio interference in the radio traffic
of the Dutch Air Force and the Military Police (Marechaussee) around 1990.
Sales of these telephones was illegal, but many shops sold them under the
counter. At the time it was estimated that 150,000 - 500,000 of
such clandestine telephone sets were in use.
Source: NCRV, Hier en Nu [6]
1999 - Radio Lokaal Nijmegen
Documentary in which we see enforcement officer Gitta in action
against radio pirates Lokaal and Power FM in Nijmegen
At the time, the RCD was known as the RDR.
Radio Lokaal was active from 1983 to 2000.
Source: De achtervolgers, 1999 [13]
In 2003, the Radio Monitoring Service, by then known as Agentschap
Telecom (AT), launched a new campaign against clandestine radio stations
(pirates) under the name Etherflits (ether flash).
It was estimated that ~ 800 pirates were active in the
eastern part of The Netherlands. The pirates caused interference with legal
broadcasters that had payed substantial amounts of money for the use of the
frequency spectrum.
Source: RTL 4 Nieuws, 28 April 2003 [7]
In this news item of 28 April 2003, NCRV television program Netwerk
shows radio pirates in the eastern part of The Netherlands, who are
complaining about the ever increasing fines they get from the AT
in operation Ehterflits.
The pirates explain that they think they are entitled to a part of the
frequency spectrum for free usage.
Source: NCRV Netwerk, 28 April 2003 [10]
2003 - Radio Bloemfontein
Documentary of NPS Gewest, aired on 17 July 2003,
about radio pirate Bloemfontein in Kollum
(Netherlands), who had been caught by the AT no less than 24 times.
Each time he looses all of his equipment and receives a fine.
The height of the fine depends on how often you are caught
and increases progressively, varying from EUR 2200 to 120 hours of
community service and eventually even prison.
Source: NPS Gewest, 17 July 2003 [8]
Documentary of regional TV station RTV Oost of 11 August 2003, about
clandestine radio stations (pirates) in the eastern part of The Netherlands.
The documentary features radio pirate Hans ter Grote, who complains about
the effects of the AT operation Etherflits, in which the
radio spectrum is monitored 24 hours a day and pirates are sometimes caughts
within minutes.
Source: RTV Oost, 11 August 2003 [9]
Presentation by former enforcement officer Cor Moerman,
about his time with the RCD/AT, recorded in 24 May 2017 at a
radio camp of the Dutch amateur radio society VRZA.
Cor joined the BRD in 1960 – merged with the RCD in 1975 –
and retired in 1991.
Source: VRZA, 24 May 2017
The Dutch Radio Monitoring Service is currently known as RDI,
but this was not always the case. In the past, the agency has been
known under various names, of which Radio Controle Dienst (RCD) is
arguably the most well-known one. Here are some of the abbreviations:
Staatsbedrijf der Posterijen, Telegrafie en Telefonie
1915-1989. Dutch state-owned monopolist for telecommunication and post.
Privatized in 1989 and later split into several companies, such as
Postbank (bank), KPN (telecom) and TPG (post).
➤ More
➤ Wikipedia
Radio Controle Dienst
1927-1940. Radio Monitoring Service. Established as part of the Department of
Post, Telephony and Telegraphy (PTT) of the Ministry of Transport
(Verkeer en Waterstaat).
Temporarily interrupted during WWII (1940-1945).
Bureau Nationale Veiligheid
1945-1946. National Bureau for Security.
This Bureau had a special Radiodienst (Radio Service) that took over
the tasks of the RCD.
Bureau Bijzondere Diensten
1947-1952. Bureau for Special Services, sometimes known as Bureau BD.
Established by the PTT as a co-operative body between the PTT and the BNV.
Bijzondere Radio Dienst
1952-1975. Special Radio Service. Post-war agency to follow up on the dismantled
BNV, combining the efforts of the PTT and the BNV. Initially called
Bureau BD, but in 1951/1952 changed to BRD.
The first Chief of the BRD was
Ton van Schendel.
After his death in 1958, he was succeeded by Daan Neuteboom,
who later became head of the RCD.
Opsporingsdienst Clandestiene Zenders
1947-1975. Law Enforcement Agency for Clandestine Radio Stations.
Department of the post-war BRD (formerly Bureau BD).
Later part of the RCD.
Groep Mobiele Peilers
1969-1975. Mobile Direction Finding Group. A new department of the post-war BRD
specialized in mobile direction finding. A combined effort of the PTT and the
Dutch Security Agency
BVD (Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst,
now called: AIVD).
Radio Controle Dienst
1975-1989. Radio Monitoring Service. Part of the Dutch PTT.
In 1975 the entire post-war BRD was integrated with the PTT (as RCD6).
The same happened to the OCZ that was renamed to RCD7.
At the time, the PTT acted on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Transport.
Hoofd-Directie Telecommunicatie en Post
1989-2001. Main Division for Telecommunication and Post.
In 1989 the Dutch Post Office (PTT) was privatized and the RCD was moved to
the newly created HDTP; the new Dutch organization for Telecommunication and
Rijksdienst voor Radiocommunicatie
1989-2001. National Department for Radio Communication.
This was the new name of the RCD when it was moved from the PTT to the HDTP.
The full name was: HDTP-RDR.
Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat
2001-2012. In 2001 the inspection and (law) enforcement tasks were separated
out of the Ministry of Transport (V&W) into the separate entity Inspectie
Verkeer en Waterstaat (IVW) under which the RDR would reside as
Divisie Telecom (DT)
or IVW/DT.
The DT didn't last long, as a year later it became part of the Ministry
of Economics (EZ) and was renamed AT.
The IVW existed until 2012 when, after a merger with another governmental
oversight body, it was renamed Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT).
Divisie Telecom
2001-2002. After the RDR was moved from the HDTP to the newly established
IVW, it was renamed DT (Division Telecom) and became known as IVW/DT.
The new agency was short-lived, as a year later it became part of the
Ministry of Economics (EZ).
Agentschap Telecom
Following the move from the Ministry of Transport to the Ministry of
in July 2002, the agency was renamed Agentschap Telecom (Telecommunication
Agency), abbreviated AT. This name would be used for the next 20 years.
Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
To reflect the increased responsibilities of the agency, in particular in the
digital domain, the name was changed once more on 1 January 2023, into
Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur (RDI), the
Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure, residing under the Netherlands
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.
The diagram below show the complex and cluttered history of the Dutch
Radio Monitoring Service (RCD). The diagram consists of three columns,
of which the leftmost one is the responsible ministry. The rightmost
column shows the responsible intelligence/security service. The
RCD itself is at the centre. It was established in 1927 as part of the
National PTT — at the time the
state-owned telecom monopolist — which
fell under the Ministry of Transport. During WWII, under German occupation,
its tasks were temporarily limited to finding causes of radio interference.
After WWII, the tasks of the RCD were moved to the newly established
National Security Bureau (BNV) — the successor to the wartime
Intelligence Bureau (BI) in excile. After two years (1947), the RCD
became part of the Special Services Bureau (BD) which in 1952 became the
Special Radio Service (BRD). Both the BD and the BRD fell under
the joint responsibility of the PTT (i.e. the Ministry of Transport) and
the national intelligence service CVD, which in 1949 became the BVD.
In 1975, the BRD was detached from the intelligence service and became an
integral part of the PTT again. At the same time, it got its old name RCD back.
This situation lasted until the privatization of the of the PTT 1989. The
RCD was detached from the PTT and came to fall under the HDTP of the
Ministry of Transport.
At the same time it was renamed National Radio Service (RDR).
In 2001, following an internal reorganisation at the Ministry of Transport,
the Inspectorate Traffic and Water Management (IVW) was spun out of the
Ministry of Transport and got control of the RDR, which became the
Telecom Division (DT). This situation lasted for just one year, after
which the radio monitoring service was moved to the Ministry of Economic
Affairs. At the same time, the DT was renamed Telecom Agency (AT).
In 2023, in an irrational move 1 to give the agency a more suitable name,
it was renamed Digital Infrastructure Service (RDI) [15].
According to the press release [15] it was necessary to rename the
agency one again, as the new name better fits the wider scope the
agency faces today. However, this doesn't make any sense, as the
old name covers the entire domain of telecommunication, whilst the
new one covers only the digital sub-domain.
- Headquarters
Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
Emmasingel 1
9726 AH Groningen (Netherlands)
E-mail: info@rdi.nl
Website: www.rdi.nl
- Monitoring and Enforcement
Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
Piet Mondriaanlaan 54
3812 GV Amersfoort (Netherlands)
Radio interference: 0800-0416400
- F.A.C. Kluiters, De Nederlandse inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten. Sectie 2.
The Dutch Intelligence and Security Agencies, Part 2 (Dutch).
ISBN: 90-12-08179-3. Den Haag (Netherlands), 1995.
- NERA Gebouw, NERA en de Horstermeer
Website for the preservation of the NERA building (Dutch).
Retrieved January 2013. 1
- Anonymous former RCD enforcement officer
Interview at Crypto Museum, May 2011 and December 2016.
Images copyright Crypto Museum.
- Cor Moerman, Photographs of RCD vehicles
Courtesy of Museum Jan Corver. February 2012.
- RCD, PTT Radio Controledienst 1983 - Afdeling Mobiele Monitoring
YouTube user LIONS, Posted 18 October 2019.
- NCRV Hier & Nu 1990, Jetphone
YouTube user LIONS, Posted 10 November 2019.
Aired: 1990.
- RTL 4 Nieuws, Etherflits
YouTube user LIONS, Posted 20 October 2019.
Aired: 28 April 2003.
- NPS Gewest, Radio pirate Bloemfontein, Kollum
YouTube user LIONS, Posted 20 October 2019.
Aired: 17 July 2003.
- RTV Oost, Blikvangers
YouTube user LIONS, Posted 20 October 2019.
Aired: 11 August 2003.
- NCRV Netwerk, Actie Etherflits
YouTube user TV zoals het vroeger was, Posted 3 October 2012.
Aired: 28 April 2003.
- Brandpunt, Radio Controledienst RCD, opsporing radio piraten
YouTube user LIONS, Posted 17 October 2019.
Aired: 1983.
- VRZA, Cor Moerman over zijn werk als opsporingsambtenaar bij de RCD
24 May 2017.
YouTube user VRZA, Posted 26 May 2017.
- De achtervolgers, radio controledienst in aktie tegen Lokaal Radio Nijmegen
1999. YouTube user Frank de Wit, Posted 16 September 2010.
- Brandpunt, Radio Controledienst vs radiopiraten
1986. YouTube user LIONS, Posted 19 October 2019.
- Agentschap Telecom vanaf nu Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
RDI, 2 January 2023.
- RCD interview met opsporingsambtenaar uit Den-Haag Cor Moerman half jaren '90
~1985. YouTube user Atlantic Hilversum.
Website no longer available in 2017.
Any links shown in red are currently unavailable.
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© Crypto Museum. Created: Monday 30 May 2011. Last changed: Wednesday, 11 December 2024 - 19:20 CET.