Overview of intelligence and law-enforcement agencies
This page contains an non-exhaustive overview of the various
intelligence and law-enforcement agencies in the world.
If possible, a link to their website or to Wikipedia is provided.
The list is by no means complete and is only intended as a
placeholder for information about agencies that are of interest
in relation to cryptography or to other subjects
featured on this website.
Contents of this page
Australian Federal Police
Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
AGO is responsible for Geo Intelligence.
Australian Signals Directorate
Cyber security and signals defence organisations.
Part of the Australian Department of Defence.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
ASD is responsible for Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).
➤ Website
Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation
Civil security and intelligence agency.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
ASIO is responsible for Security Intelligence.
➤ Website
Australian Secret Intelligence Service
Australia's secret foreign intelligence collecting agency.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
ASIS is responsible for Human Intelligence (HUMINT).
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Defence Intelligence Organisation
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
DIO is responsible for Defense Intelligence.
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Defense Signals Directorate
Main Austrialian cryptologic authority.
In 2013 renamed Australian Signals Directorate (ASD).
Algemene Dienst Inlichtingen en Veiligheid
Belgian Military Intelligence Service operating under the authority
of the Ministry of Defense. Known in Dutch as the
Algemene Dienst Inlichtingen en Veiligheid (ADIV) and in French as
the Service Général du Renseignement et de la Sécurité (SGR).
In English, the agency is often referred to as the General
Intelligence and Security Service (GISS).
Service de Documentation, Renseignement et Action
Secret department of the Belgian Military Intelligence
Service ADIV that consisted of many different divisions.
SDRA III dealt with counter-intelligence and counter-subversion.
SDRA-VIII was a stay-behind organisation
during the Cold War.
Service Général du Renseignement et de la Sécurité ADIV
Veiligheid van de Staat, Sûreté de l'État
Belgian State Security Service operating as a civilian agency
under the authority of the Ministry of Justice.
Military Intelligence Service
State Agency for National Security
The State Agency for National Security, commonly abbreviated to
ДАНС (DANS), is a Bulgarian state agency, subordinated to the
Bulgarian Council of Ministers, tasked with the implementation of
the policy of national security.
Durjavna Agencia Razuznavane
The State Intelligence Agency (SIA), is a Bulgarian foreign intelligence
service, which provides the government of Bulgaria with intelligence,
assesments, analyses and prognoses, related to the national security,
interests and priorities.
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Dǎržavna Sigurnost KDS
Popular name of the State Security Service of communist Bulgaria until 1989.
Komitet za dǎržavna sigurnost
Committee for State Security, commonly abbreviated КДС, CSS or KDS,
popularly known as State Security (Darzhhavna Sigurnost or Durzhavna Sigurnost),
DS and ДС,
was the name of the Bulgarian secret
service during the Communist rule of Bulgaria and during the
Cold War, until 1989.
Established with help from the Russian KGB, it was effectively a
regional branche of the KGB.
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Canadian Forces Intelligence Command
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
CFINTCOM is responsible for Defense Intelligence and Geo Intelligence.
Communications Security Establishment
Canadian Government's national cryptologic agency, administered under
the Department of National Defence (DND). Also responsible for foreign
signals intelligence (SIGINT). Formerly known as Communications
Security Establishment Canada (CSEC).
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
CSE is also responsible for Signal Intelligence.
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Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Canada's national security establishment.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
CSIS is responsible for Human Intelligence and Security Intelligence.
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Centre de la sécurité des Télécommunications CSE
French name of the CSE.
Communications Security Establishment Canada CSE
Service canedien du renseignement de sécurité CSIS
French name of the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Canadian National Police Organisation.
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➤ Website
Ministry of State Security
Principal civilian intelligence, security and secret police agency of China,
responsible for foreign intelligence, counterintelligence and the political
security of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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People's Liberation Army
Military arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People's Republic
of China, consisting of a Ground Force, Navy, Air Force and Rocket Force.
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Dirección General de Inteligencia
Main state intelligence agency of the government of Cuba, founded in 1961
by the Cuban Ministry of the Interior, following the Cuban Revolution.
During the Cold War,
the DGI had strong ties with USSR intelligence agencies
like the KGB
and the GRU.
Since 1989, the DGI is known as Dirección de Inteligencia (DI) or G2.
Dirección de Inteligencia
The Dirección de Inteligencia (Intelligence Directorate), is the main
state intelligence agency of the government of Cuba, since 1989.
Also known as G2.
Dirección de Inteligencia
Czechoslovakia, or Czecho-Slovakia, was a sovereign state in Central
Europe that existed from October 1918 to 1 January 1993, after which
it was peacefully dissoluted into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
From 1948 to 1990, Czechoslovakia
was under the influence of the former USSR and was part of the Warsaw Pact.
It played a role in international espionage during the
Cold War.
Správa 1
Department 1
1st Department of the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Internal Affairs,
taksed with intelligence gathering, or espionage (Czech: Rozviedka).
Sometimes written as 1 Správa or Správa I.
Správa 2
Department 2
2nd Department of the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Internal Affairs,
taksed with counter-intelligence, or counter-espionage
(Czech: Kontrarozviedka).
Sometimes written as 2 Správa or Správa II.
Správa 4
Department 4
4th Department of the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Internal Affairs,
taksed with surveillance.
Sometimes written as 4 Správa or Správa IV.
Správa 6
Department 6
6th Department of the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Internal Affairs,
taksed with the development of communications technology
(Czech: Spojovacia Technika).
Sometimes written as 6 Správa or Správa VI.
Statni Bezpecnost
Secret (political) plainclothes police of former Czechoslovakia,
also known as the civil intelligence agency,
during the communist regime (1945-1990), operating under and
controlled by the Czechoslovakian federal Ministry of Interior.
The name is officially written as Státní bezpečnost (Czech)
or Štátna bezpečnost (Slovak).
➤ Wikipedia
Zpravodajská Správa Generálního Štábu
Military intelligence agency of the former Czechoslovakia during
the communist regime (1945-1992).
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Army Intelligence Center HEC
Danish Defence Intelligence Service FE
Danish Security and Intelligence Service PET
Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste
Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS).
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➤ Website
Hærens Efterretningscenter
Army Intelligence Center (AIC).
Politiets Efterretningstjeneste
Danish Security and Intelligence Service (DSIS).
Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information
National Cybersecurity Agency of France. Established on 7 July 2009
and responsible for computer security. Successor of the DCSSI and
before that the SCSSI.
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➤ Wikipedia
Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action
Central Bureau of Intelligence and Operations. Active during
WWII from 1940
to 1943, as the successor to the pre-war Deuxième Bureau.
Established on 1 July 1940 as SR,
renamed BCRAM in April 1941,
and then BCRA in January 1942 —
the name by which it is best known (even after WWII).
Merged in 1943 with the clandestine service of the CIG into
DGSS, which later became the
and finally the post-war SDECE.
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Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action Militaire
Central Bureau of Military Intelligence and Operations.
Military intelligence service of Free France — the French govermment-in-exile
in London during WWII — established on 1 July 1940 as SR and renamed
BCRAM in April 1941, and again in January 1942 to BCRA.
Centre d'information gouvernemental
Center for Government Information.
Military intelligence service in Vichy France, from 1940 to 1943.
2e Bureau
Deuxième Bureau
Full name: Deuxième Bureau de l'État-major général (second bureau of the General Staff). France's external military intelligence agency from 1871
to 1940. Dissolved – together with the Third Republic – at the outbreak
of WWII in France. Succeeded by the CIG in Vichy France, and the
BCRA in Free France (the French government-in-exile in London).
Nevertheless, the name outlives the organisation as a generic label for
the country's intelligence service.
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Direction Générale des études et recherches
General Directorate for Studies and Research.
French military intelligence service from 1944 to 1945, established
in 1943 as DGSS.
Renamed SDECE in 1946.
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Direction générale de la Sécurité extérieur
General Directorate for External Security. France's external intellige agency,
equivalent to MI6
in the UK
and the CIA
in the USA. Formed on 2 April 1982 as the successor to the
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Direction générale de la Sécurité intérieure
General Directorate for Internal Security. Intelligence service charged
with counter-espionage, counter-terrorism, countering cybercrime and
surveillance of potentially threatening groups, organisations and social
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Direction Générale des Services Spéciaux
General Directorate for Special Services.
French military intelligence service from 1943 to 1944, after a merger
of the CIG
and BCRA, controlled from the French government-in-exile in
London. In 1944 renamed DGER,
but neverthemess called BCRA by many people.
Direction de la Protection et de la Sécurité de la Défense
Directorate for protection security and defense. French military security
agency, charged with counter-intelligence, general intelligence,
counter-terrorism and counter-subversion concerning national defense.
➤ Wikipedia
Direction du renseignement militaire
Directorate of Military Intelligence. French intelligence agency charged
with collecting and centralizing military intelligence information for the
French Armed Forces. Established in 1992, equivalent to DIA (USA), DI (UK)
and the GRU (Russia).
➤ Wikipedia
Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage
Foreign Documentation and Counter-Espionage Service. Established
in 1946 as the successor to the BCRA (1940),
DGSS (1943)
and DGER (1944).
In 1982, the SDECE became the DGSE.
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Service de Renseignements
Military intelligence service of Free France — the French govermment-in-exile
in London during WWII — established on 1 July 1940. Renamed BCRAM
in April 1941.
The German Democratic Republic, or GDR (German: Deutsche Demokratische Rebublik, or DDR),
was one of the countries of the former Warsaw Pact. Following the
fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989,
East Germany was reunited with West Germany the following year (1990).
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Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung
Department of the Stasi, responsible for foreign and domestic
espionage and for covert operations in foreign countries.
Between 1956 and 1986, the HVA was headed by the mysterious Markus Wolf.
Ministerium für Staatssicherheit More
Ministery for State Security of the former DDR (East Germany);
one of most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police
agencies in the world.
The agency is commonly known as Stasi, which is the abbreviation of
Staats-Sicherheit, and had its headquarters in East-Berlin.
The Stasi had strong ties with the Russian intelligence service
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➤ Wikipedia Germany
Staatssicherheit MfS
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German Intelligence and Security Service between 1921 and 1944.
During WWII, the Abwehr was part of the German Wehrmacht and was led
by Admiral Canaris who was strongly anti-Nazi. The Abwehr was dissolved in 1944 due to incompetence
and became part of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD)
under the RSHA.
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➤ Wikipedia
Fremde Heere Ost
Foreign Armies East, was a military intelligence organisation in
Nazi Germany from 1938 to 1945, headed by Reinhard Gehlen.
After WWII, the FHO became the Organisation Gehlen (OG),
which was later renamed BND.
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Geheime Staatspolizei
Official Secret Police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe,
established by Hermann Göring in 1933 and dissolved in 1945 at the
end of WWII. It was considered a sister organisation of the SD.
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Main Security Office of the German Third Reich during WWII,
under Heinrich Himmler, who was the head of the German Police and also
head of the Nazi party's Schutzstaffel (SS).
The RSHA was established on 27 September 1939 and comprised the
Sicherheitsdienst (SD)
and the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo), with the latter consisting of the
Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)
and the Krimalpolizei (Kripo).
On 18 February 1944, the RSHA took over the activities
of the Abwehr as well.
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The SD was the Intelligence and Security Organisation of Hitler's
political party, the NSDAP, from 1931 to 1945. Following the Nuremberg Trials
after WWII had ended, the SD was declared a criminal organisation.
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Federal Border Guard of (West) Germany after WWII.
In July 2005 renamed
Bundespolizei (Federal Police) or BPOL.
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Federal Criminal Police Office.
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➤ Website
The BND (English: Federal Intelligence Service) is the German Foreign
Intelligence Agency, established in 1956 as the successor to
Organisation Gehlen (OG).
The BND is known within the CIA by its code name CASCOPE.
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➤ Website
Federal Police force of Germany, after renaming the
Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS)
to Bundespolizei (BPOL).
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Federal Office for Information Security. Independent government
organisation (previously under BND).
Successor to ZfCh
and ZSI since 1991.
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Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz
Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
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Landesämter für Verfassungsschutz (16 units)
State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution (one in each of the federal
states). The activities are coordinated by the BfV.
Militärischer Abschirmdienst
Military Counter-intelligence Service (Military Screening Service).
➤ Website
Organisation Gehlen
Also known as ORG.
West-German secret intelligence agency, established in June 1946
by US occupation authorities in the US Zone of Germany. The agency consisted
of former members of the 12th Department of the German Army General
Staff (Foreign Armies East) and carried the name of Wehrmacht generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen,
wo had been head of German military intelligence in the Eastern section during
WWII. After much critisism for hiring former Nazis, the organisation was
dissolved into the current Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)
on 1 April 1956. Reinhard Gehlen stayed on as president of the organisation
until his retirement in 1968.
➤ History
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Organisation Gehlen OG
Zentralstelle für das Chiffrierwesen
Cryptographic authority of the German Government.
Initially independent, but since 1973 part of Directorate IV of the BND.
Later renamed Zentralstelle für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
(ZSI), which in 1991 became the BSI.
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Zentralstelle für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Central Office for Information Security. Since 1989 the successor to
In 1991, succeeded by the BSI.
Alkotmányvédelmi Hivatal
Constitution Protection Office. Current Hungarian internal security
intelligence agency, established in 2010 as the successor to the
Responsible for counterintelligence,
anticorruption, economic security and related proactive measures.
Also investigative body against organized crime and subversion.
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➤ Wikipedia
AH → Alkotmányvédelmi Hivatal
Constitution Protection Office. Current Hungarian internal security
intelligence agency, established in 2010 as the successor to the
Responsible for counterintelligence,
anticorruption, economic security and related proactive measures.
Also investigative body against organized crime and subversion.
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➤ Wikipedia
Államvedélmi Hatóság
State Protection Autority of Hungary, established in 1950 as the successor
to the ÁVO.
Hunted down everyone who was vaguely against the rule of Moscow over Hungary.
Dissolved in 1956. After this, Hungary never had another Secret State Police.
The AVO was located at 60 Andrassy Place in Budapest, in the same building
where the Hungarian Nazi Arrow Cross Party was housed during WWII.
The building is now a museum and is known as 'House of Terror'.
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Államvedélmi Osztálya
Hungarian State Police State Protection Department, established in 1946 as
the successor of the PRO.
Succeeded in 1950 by the ÁVH
Belügyminisztérium Állambiztonsági Szervek
State Security Department of the Ministry of Interior of Hungary,
active from 1956-1990. Also known as Belügyminisztérium III
(Ministry of Internal Affairs III) with various Departments,
such as III/I (espionage) and III/II (counter-espionage).
Információs Hivatal
Information Office. Current intelligence agency of Hungary, involved in
non-military intelligence gathering, mainly abroad.
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Katonai Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat
Military National Security Service.
Nemzetbiztonsági Szakszolgálat
Special Service for National Security.
Nemzetbiztonsági Hivatal
Office of National Security.
Former Internal Security Intelligence Agency of Hungary. Established
in 1990 and succeeded by the AH in 2010.
Budapesti Fokapitányság Politikai Rendészeti Osztálya
Police Main Command Political Department of Hungary in 1945.
Succeeded by the ÁVO.
Servizio Informazioni Militare
The Servizio Informazioni Militare (SIM) was Italian's military intelligence
organisation for the Regio Esercito (Royal Army) of the Regno d'Italia
(Kingdom of Italy) from 1900 to 1946, and of the Italian Republic from 1946
to 1949. During WWII, it was fascist dictator Benito Mussolini's equivalent
of the German Abwehr.
Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst
The General Intelligence and Security Service is the secret service
of The Netherlands. It is the successor to the BVD
and is active since the restructuring of 29 May 2002.
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➤ Wikipedia
Agentschap Telecom RDI
Dutch telecom authority. Per 1 January 2023 renamed RDI.
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Bureau Bijzondere Opdrachten
Dutch secret operations executive during WWII. Operated from England under
supervision of the Dutch Goverment in exile and directed by the British
Special Operations Executive (SOE). After the war dissolved into the
stay-behind organisation O&I.
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Bureau Inlichtingen
Dutch secret intelligence agency during WWII. Operated from England under
supervision of the Dutch Government in exile. After the war dissolved into
the stay-behind organisation O&I.
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Bureau Nationale Veiligheid
Post-WWII security agency
and forerunner of the BVD.
Bijzondere Radio Dienst
1952-1975. Special Radio Service. Post-war agency to follow up on the dismantled
combining the efforts of the PTT and the BNV.
Initially known as Bureau BD, but in 1951/1952 renamed BRD.
Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst
Former name of the Dutch Internal Security Service.
Established after WWII as
BNV (Bureau Nationale Veiligheid, Bureau for National Security)
on 29 May 1945.
Renamed CVD (Centrale Veiligheidsdienst,
Central Security Agency) in April 1946.
On 8 August 1949 renamed BVD.
On 29 May 2002, the agency was reorganized and renamed AIVD.
Code Coordinatie Bureau
Code Coordination Bureau, established in 1945 at the end of WWII.
Succeeded in 1960 by NBV (NLNCSA).
Criminele Inlichtingen Eenheid
Police criminal intelligence unit.
Centrale Militaire Inlichtingendienst
Intelligence service of he Dutch-Indies, established in 1948 as the
successor to the NEFIS and dissolved in 1950 after the declaration of
independence of the Dutch East Indies. Also known as CMID.
➤ History
Fiscale Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst
Fiscal intelligence and investigation service.
Inlichtingendienst Buitenland
Former Dutch Foreign Intelligence Service, located at Villa Maarheze in
Wassenaar. In 1994 dissolved into the BVD
(later: AIVD).
➤ Timeline.
Joint Sigint Cyber Unit
Joint operation of the Dutch intelligence services
and MIVD,
tasked with the interception of radio and satellite traffic (SIGINT)
and information gathering through cyber-operations.
Established on 15 June 2014.
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Government Computer Emergency Responce Team
GOVCERT.nl is the Dutch center for cyber security.
Since 1 January 2012 incorporated into the newly established NCSC.
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten
Dutch National Police Services.
➤ Website
Landmacht Inlichtendienst
Army intelligence service, established in 1972.
In 1986 merged with LUID and MARID into
Military Intelligence Service MID (later: MIVD).
Luchtmacht Inlichtingendienst
Air Force intelligence service, established in 1951.
In 1986 merged with LAMID and
into the Military Intelligence Service (MID)
(later: MIVD).
Marine Inlichtingendienst
Intelligence and Security Service of the Dutch Royal Navy.
In 1986 merged with LAMID and LUID
into the Military Intelligence Service (MID)
(later: MIVD).
Militaire Inlichtingendienst MIVD
Dutch Military Intelligence Service, established in 1986
by merging the intelligence services of the Army (LAMID),
the Air Force (LUID) and the Navy (MARID).
In 2002 renamed MIVD.
Militaire Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst
Military Intelligence and Security Agency.
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➤ Wikipedia
Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service
Intelligence service of the Dutch-Indies,
established in 1942 (during WWII) in Australia.
In 1948 renamed
Centrale Militaire Inlichtingendienst (CMI)
and dissolved in 1950 after the declaration of independence of the
Dutch East Indies.
➤ History
Nationaal Bureau voor Verbindingsbeveiliging
Netherlands National Communications Security Agency (NLNCSA).
Responsible for communications security of the Dutch Government.
Established in 1960 as the successor to the
Code Coordination Bureau (CCB)
of 1945. Initially operating under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Since 2001 part of the
General Intelligence Agency (AIVD).
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➤ Website
Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum
The Dutch National Cyber Security Center,
also known as NCSC-NL, is a co-operation between
private organisations and the Dutch Goverment. Its main goal is
to improve (internet) cyber security and to intervene whenever necessary.
Partners are the NCTV,
the former GOVCERT.NL,
the intellicence service AIVD,
the Dutch National Police KLPD and various
The NCSC is controlled by the NCTV.
➤ Website
Nationaal Coordinator Terrorismebestrijding NCTV
National Coordinator for Counterterrorism.
Renamed NCTV on 1 July 2011.
Nationaal Coordinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid
National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security.
Part of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice.
Until 1 July 2011 known as NCTb.
➤ Website
Netherlands National Communications Security Agency NBV
International name of the Dutch Bureau for Communications Security
Nationale SIGINT Organisatie
Dutch national organization for communication interception.
On 15 June 2014 migrated into the
Joint Sigint Cyber Unit (JSCU).
➤ Wikipedia
WWII clandestine internal intelligence organisation.
During the occupation of the Netherlands, it collected intelligence and
sent it to the Dutch Government in the UK. The organisation was intended
as a temporary law enforcement agency, immediately after the liberation of
the country.
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Operatiën en Inlichtingen
Operations and Intelligence.
Dutch secret stay-behind organisation during the Cold War, from 1946 to
1992. Established after WWII
from the remains of the BI
and the BBO.
Also known as A en B (A and B). Dissolved in 1992.
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Radio Controle Dienst RDI
Radio Monitoring Service of The Netherlands (now: RDI).
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Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur
Dutch telecom authority. Responsible for frequency spectrum monitoring,
digital infrastructure and licencing. Formerly known as AT,
RDR, RCD, OCZ and more.
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➤ Wikipedia
Raad van Verzet
During WWII, Raad van Verzet (Resistance Council),
commonly abbreviated RV, RvV or RVV,
was one of three important resistance organisations in the Netherlands,
founded by disaffected members of the Ordedienst (OD).
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Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst
Social intelligence and investigation service, responsible for
investigations against misuse of the social security system.
Strategisch Verbindingsinlichtingen Centrum
Strategic Signals Intelligence Centre is the main traffic analysis
and cryptanalysis organisation in the Netherlands.
Formerly known as TIVC.
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Team High Tech Crime
Department of the Dutch National Police (KLPD), located in Driebergen,
responsibile for law enforcement cases in which sophisticated technology
is involved, either for committing a crime, or for solving a case.
Technisch Informatie Verwerkings Centrum SVIC
Technical Information Processing Centre was the main codebreaking centre
of the Dutch Navy. Formerly known as WKC.
Since 1996 known as SVIC.
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Unit Landelijke Intercpetie
Dutch nationwide interception unit.
Central facility of the
Dutch National Police (KLPD) for
lawful internet tapping (and in some cases telephone tapping as well).
Wiskundig Centrum
Mathematics Centre was the main codebreaking centre of the Dutch Royal Navy
from 1975 to 1982. Succeeded by TIVC.
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Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association
Dutch non-partisan voluntary studies association that focusses on
the work of intelligence and security services and related police
services. Membership is by invitation only.
(Dutch: Stichting Inlichtingen Studies Nederland).
➤ Website
Directorate of Defence Intelligence and Security
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
DDIS is responsible for Defence Intelligence.
Government Communications Security Bureau
National security organisation for providing information assurance,
cyber security and foreign intelligence to the New Zealand Government,
Government Agencies and critical infrastructure organisations.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
GCSB is responsible for Signals Intelligence.
➤ Website
National Assesments Bureau
Goverment agency for providing independent and impartial assesments
on events and development relevant to New Zealand's national security
and international relations. The NAB does not collect information itself.
Established in 1975 and part of the Department of the Prime Minister and
the Cabinet.
➤ Website
National Cyber Security Center
National centre for cyber security.
Part of GCSB.
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
Government agency responsible for providing the Government
with information about matters related to New Zealand's security.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the
NZSIS is responsible for Human Intelligence.
➤ Website
Forsvarets Sikkerhetsstab
Former national security authority of Norway. In 2003 succeeded by
the NSM.
Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet
Norwegian National Security Authority, responsible for preventive
national security, ICT security (NorCERT), internal and external threats.
Established on 1 January 2003 as the successor to the FO/S.
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➤ Website
Agencja Bezpieczenstwa Wenetrznego
Polish Internal Security Agency.
➤ Website
Agencja Wywiadu
Polish Foreign Intelligence Agency.
➤ Website
Służba Bezpieczeństwa
Translated: Security Service.
Polish secret police, intelligence and counter-intelligence agency from
1956 to 1990.
Serviço de Informações Estratégicas de Defesa
Portugese Strategic and Defence Intelligence Service
➤ Website
Serviço de Informações de Segurança
Portugese Security Intelligence Service.
➤ Website
General Directorate for the Security of the People
DGPS, more commonly known as the Securitate, was the oppresive secret
police agency of the Socialist Republic of Romania, established on 30 August 1948,
and active throughout the Cold War.
Also known as Departamentul Securităţii Statului (Department of State Security)
or DSS.
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Departamentul Securităţii Statului
Department of State Security, the secret police force of the former Socialist
Republic of Romania. Founded in 1948 as DGSP and dissolved into various
organisations from 1991 onwards. Also known as the Securitate.
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Popular name of the Departamentul Securităţii Statului (DSS),
the Department of State Security of the former Socialist Republic of Romania.
Under president Nicolae Ceauşescu, it was one of the most brutal secret
police forces in the world.
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For agencies of the former Soviet Union, see ➤ USSR.
Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii
Principal security agency of the Russian Federation and main successor
to the USSR's Committee of State Security (KGB).
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➤ Wikipedia
Federalnaya Sluzhba Okhrany
The FSO, in English known as Federal Guard Service of the Russian
Federation, is a federal government agency, responsible for the protection
of several high-ranking state officials, including the President of Russia,
as well as certain federal properties. It is the successor to the SBP
(led by KGB general Alexander Korzhakov) and has its origin in the 9th
Chief Directory of the KGB
of the former Soviet Union (USSR).
➤ Wikipedia
Glavonoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravlenye GU
Glavonoye Upravlenye More
The GU (Russian: ГУ) is the current Russian foreign Military Intelligence
Service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
It was established in 1991, after the fall of the
Soviet Union,
and is the successor to the GRU
(Russian: ГРУ). Nevertheless it is still commonly
known by its old name GRU.
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Ministerstvo Vnutrennikh Del
Ministry of Internal Affairs - or ministry of the interior –
of the Russian Federation. Established (predecessor) in 1802
and one of the successors to the Soviet Union's MKVD.
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Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki
Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.
It is the successor of the First Chief Directorate
(PGU) of the former KGB.
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Centro National de Inteligencia
Spanish National Intelligence Center.
➤ Website
Försvarets Radio Anstalt
Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment.
Responsible for Signals Intelligence (COMINT, SIGINT, ELINT)
and support for IT security to government authorities and state-owned companies.
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➤ Website
Swiss Federal Police. Today known as fedpol.
Dienst für Analyse und Prävention
Analysis and Prevention Service. Swiss civil internal intelligence
Since early 2009 part of VBS, and merged on 1 January 2010
with SND to become the new intelligence service NDB.
Federale Polizei
Full name: Bundesamt für Polizei fedpol.
Swiss Federal Police, resorting under the Federal Department of
Justice and Police (EJPD). Controls the civil Swiss internal
intelligence agency DAP.
Federal Intelligence Service
International name of the Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB).
Miliärischer Nachrichtendienst
Military Intelligence Service.
➤ Website
Nachrichtendienst der Armee
Intelligence Service of the Army.
Collection of departments and units of the Swiss Army that have
intelligence tasks. This includes the MND.
Nachrichtendienst des Bundes
Intelligence Service of the Federation (FIS).
Established on 1 January 2010 by merging DAP and SND.
Strategische Nachrichtendienst
Strategic Intelligence Service (SIS). On 1 January 2001 merged with
DAP into the Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB).
Eidgenössisches Department für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport
Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports.
Communications Electronics Security Group NCSC
Renamed National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
Combined Bureau Middle East
Cover name for the regional
Government Code and Cypher School (CG&CS)
headquarters in the Middle East during WWII.
Established in May 1941 by Col. Freddie Jacob, and operating from
the King Farouk Museum in Heliopolis.
Combined Intelligence Iraq
The principal British intelligence collection agency in Iraq
(and later also Persia), based at Habaniyah and run by RAF
officer Robert Dawson-Sheppard.
Combined Intelligece Far East
MI5's regional organisation in the Far East during WWII.
Established in 1943 at Kandy (Ceylon) by Courtenay Young,
who was MI5's only Japanese-speaking officer.
Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre
British prisoner of war (POW) interrogation service,
also known as MI19, operating during WWII from facilities
in the UK and from regional centres in Cairo (Egypt)
and Delhi (India).
Defence Intelligence
Organisation withing the UK Minstry of Defence (MoD) that focusses
on gathering and analysing military intelligence.
Within the Five Eyes alliance,
DI is responsible for Defence Intelligence.
➤ Website
➤ Wikipedia
Government Code & Cypher School
UK agency responsible for codebreaking during WWII.
Well-know for its activities on breaking Enigma
and other ciphers at Bletchley Park.
Later renamed GCHQ.
Government Communications Headquarters
UK Intelligence Agency, responsible for Signals Intelligence
(SIGINT) and information insurance.
Works with MI 5
and MI 6.
Within the Five Eyes alliance,
GCHQ is responsible for Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).
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➤ Website
General Post Office
Former state-owned telecommunications and postal service monopolist.
At one time responsible for law-enforcement of the radio spectrum
through its radio monitoring service. Later privatised and split into
Royal Mail (post) and British Telecom (BT).
➤ Wikipedia
Intelligence Service British Agents
During WWII, ISBA referred to decrypted and translated messages
from SIS agents. Such messages were typically given particularly
restricted circulation.
Intelligence Service Knox
During WWII, ISK handled decrypted and translated German spy messages,
originally encrypted with an Enigma cipher machine. Named after its head
Dylwyn Knox.
Intelligence Service Oliver Strachey
During WWII, ISOS handled decrypted and translated German spy messages,
originally encrypted manually (e.g. with a codebook).
Named after its head Oliver Strachey.
MI 5
Security Service
British Security and Counter Intelligence Service.
➤ Website
MI 6
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
British Foreign Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).
Responsible for gathering intelligence and counter-intelligence outside the
three-mile territorial limits of the British Empire.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, MI6 is
responsible for Human Intelligence (HUMINT).
➤ More
➤ Website
MI 8
Military Intelligence, Section 8
British Army Signals Intelligence group, established in 1914 and responsible
for signals intelligence on wireless and cable-bound traffic. During WWII
responsible for the War Office Y Group – the radio intercept stations –
and for the Radio Security Service (RSS).
➤ Wikipedia
National Cyber Security Centre
UK centre for cyber security. Part of GCHQ. Formerly known as
Communications Electronics Security Group (CESG).
➤ Website
Radio Security Service
During WWII – as part of MI8 – responsible for locating clandestine
(hostile) radio stations by means of
Radio Direction Finding (RDF).
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➤ Website
Secret Intelligence Service MI 6
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the SIS is
responsible for Human Intelligence (HUMINT).
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➤ Website
Special Air Service
UK special forces unit, founded during WWII for covert reconnaissance,
counter-terrorism, direction action and hostage rescue. Initially founded
in 1941 as a regiment. Reconsituted as a corps in 1950.
➤ Wikipedia
Special Operations Executive
British espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance organisation during WWII,
active from 22 July 1940 to 15 January 1946. Also known
as Churchill's Secret Army and as the Ministry of Ungentlemanly
Warfare. Approx. 13,000 people were involved in the SOE, 3200 of which
were women.
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➤ Wikipedia
United States of America
Army Intelligence Agency
Merged on 1 October 1977 with the intelligence agencies of the other
armed forces into the newly established (1 January 1977)
US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).
Army Security Agency
United States Army's intelligence branch from 1945 to 1984, under
operational control of DIRNSA.
Successor to the Signals Intelligence Service (SIS) (1943-1945).
In 1977, ASA was merged with the US Army's Military Intelligence branch
to become the
United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).
➤ Wikipedia
➤ History
Armed Forces Security Agency
Forerunner of the National Security Agency (NSA)
that existed from 1949 to 1952.
➤ Wikipedia
Central Intelligence Agency
Independent US Goverment foreign intelligence agency
for gathering national security intelligence.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the CIA is
responsible for Human Intelligence (HUMINT).
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➤ Website
➤ Wikipedia
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
National coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience,
established in 2018, with the aim to advise both the public and the
private sector. Also known as the Joint Cybersecurity Advisory.
➤ Website
Communications Supplementary Activity - Washington
Code-breaking division of the US Navy during WWII.
In 1946 incorporated into the newly established company
Engineering Research Associates (ERA).
Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center
Federal office for intelligence support in response to significant
cyber incidents.
Part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).
➤ Website
Department of the Army Military Intelligence
Internal, national and foreign intelligence unit of the US Army.
➤ Website
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Fundamental research and development institute for breakthrough
technologies for national security. Established in 1957 (at the
time of the lauch of the Russian Sputnik satellite) and responsible
for inventions in the field of stealth technology and DARPANET,
which led to the development of the modern internet.
➤ Website
Drug Enforcement Administration
Federal organisation for the enforcement of controlled substances
laws and regulations.
➤ Website
Department of Homeland Security
US Government department responsible for the (cyber) security
and safety of US citizens.
➤ Website
Defense Intelligence Agency
Military Intelligence Service for the US Department of Defense
and the US Intelligence Community. Established 1 October 1961.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the DIA is
responsible for Defence Intelligence.
➤ Website
Director of National Intelligence
Head of the Intelligence Community, overseeing and directing the implementation of
the National Intelligence Program budget and serving as the principal
advisor to the President, the National Security Council and the Homeland
Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security.
➤ Website
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States federal law enforcement agency, tasked with the investigation
of federal (cyber) crime, corruption, terrorism and counterintelligence.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the FBI is responsible
for Security Intelligence.
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US Army Intelligence & Security Command
Direct reporting US intelligence gathering organisation within both
the US Army and the US National Security Agence (NSA).
➤ Website
➤ Wikipedia
National Counterproliferation Center
Central coordination for the protection against weapons of mass destruction.
Part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).
➤ Website
National Counterintelligence and Security Center
National coordination of the counterintelligence and security activities
of the US Government, the US Intelligence Community and the US private sector.
Risk analysis on intelligence collection, penetration and attacks by foreign
(state) actors and other adversaries.
Part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).
➤ Website
National Counterterrorism Center
National coordination center for threat analysis and counterterrorism.
Part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).
➤ Website
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Central facility for providing geospacial intelligence to the US military
and civil intelligence community.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the NGA is responsible
for Geo Intelligence.
➤ Website
National Reconnaissance Office
Responsible for the design, building and operation of the spy satellites
of the US government. Based in Chantilly, Virginia (USA).
➤ Wikipedia
National Security Agency
Part of the American Department of Defense (DoD).
Responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign
communications and foreign intelligence, and
for the protection of US Government communications.
Within the Five Eyes alliance, the NSA is responsible
for Signals Intelligence.
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➤ Website
Office of the Director of National Security DNI
Office of Strategic Services
The OSS was the principal intelligence agency of the US during WWII. It
was established in 1942 and succeeded after the war in 1945 by SSU,
which later became CIG and then, in 1947, the CIA as we know it today.
➤ Wikipedia
Secret Service USSS
Signals Intelligence Service
US Army intercept and codebreaking division throughout World War II.
Founded in 1930 and renamed Signals Security Agency in 1943,
and Army Security Agency (ASA) in September 1945.
On 20 May 1949, the cryptologic activities were branched-off as
which became NSA in 1952.
➤ Wikipedia
United States Information Agency
Former US Agency devoted to broadcasting 'public diplomacy', a.k.a. propaganda,
at the hight of the Cold War. The agency existed from 1953 to 1999 and had four
divisions. The agency also had a counter-intelligence department that performed
➤ Wikipedia
United States Naval Computing Machine Laboratory
Research department of the US Navy and
National Cash Register (NCR),
specialised in the development of cryptanalytic machines,
established during WWII and located at the NCR
facilities in Dayton (Ohio, US). In 1946 moved to St. Paul (Minesota, US).
United States Secret Service
Commonly known as Secret Service.
Federal law enforcement agency with headquarters in Washington, D.C.,
established in 1965 to suppress counterfeiting of US currency.
Now also responsible for the protection of
the nation's current and former leaders.
In 2003, the USSS was transferred from the Department of the Treasury
to the Department of Homeland Security.
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➤ Wikipedia
North American Seciety for Intelligence History
Formed in 2016 with the goal to encourage and support the study of
intelligence history in Canada and the United States. Membership is
free and is open to anyone.
➤ Website
For current Russian agencies, see ➤ Russia.
Chrezvychaynaya Komissiaya
The Cheka (Russian: ЧК) was the first Soviet state security organization,
created by Lenin on 20 December 1917.
Cheka, or Vcheka (Vserossiyskaya Chrezvychaynaya Komissiaya),
means All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution
and Sabotage. The emblem of the organization was shared with the KGB.
In 1922 the organisation became part of the NKVD.
It was officially dissolved in 1929.
➤ Wikipedia
Glavonoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravlenye More
The GRU (Russian: ГРУ) was (is) the
Russian Military Intelligence Service.
The GRU was established by Lenin on 21 October 1918 and is said to
have about six time as many agents as the KGB.
In 2010, almost 20 years after the fall of the Soviet Union,
it was renamed GU
(ГУ), but remained commonly known by its old name GRU
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➤ see also post-USSR GU
Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti More
National Security Agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991
(Committee for State Security). The KGB was established in 1954
as the direct successor to the Cheka, the NKGB and the MGB,
and was a military service that dealt with foreign intelligence,
counterintelligence, operative-investigatory activities, guarding
the borders of the USSR and guarding the interests of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party. After the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991, the KGB was split into the Federal Security Service (FSB)
and the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
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Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnoti
Ministry of State Security of the Soviet Union from 1946 to 1953.
One of many incarnations of the Soviet State Security apparatus.
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Ministerstvo Vnutrennikh Del
Ministry of Internal Affairs - or ministry of the interior – was a
goverment ministry in the Soviet Union, and one of the successors
to the NKVD.
Unlike the KGB
and MGB, the MVD did not have
any secret (political) units or agencies. The ministry was established
in 1802 and still exists today.
➤ Wikipedia
Narodnyy Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
People's Commissariat for State Security between 1931 and 1946.
The NKGB was the Soviet Secret Police, intelligence and counter-intelligence
agency from 3 February to 20 July 1941, and again from 1943 to 1946,
before being renamed Ministry for State Security (MGB).
It is one of the predecessors of the KGB.
➤ Wikipedia
Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del
People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs between 1934 and 1946. The NKVD was a law
enforcement agency of the former Soviet Union that executed the rule of power of the
Communist Party. It was closely associated with the Soviet Secret Police and is
particularly known for its political repression and mass executions during
Joseph Stalin's reign.
➤ Wikipedia
Pervoye Glavnoye Upravleniye
First Chief Directorate (foreign intelligence) of the KGB,
established in 1954. Following the dissolution of the
Soviet Union in 1991, the PGU
was succeeded by the SVR.
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Spetsyalnye Metody Razoblacheniya Shpyonov
SMERSH (Russian: СМЕРШ) was the umbrella name of three independant Russian
counter-intelligence agencies of the Red Army, between 1943 and 1946. The name
SMERSH is an acronym which means 'Special Methods for Spy Detection'. Being
operational during WWII, its main goal was to subvert German attempts to
infiltrate the Red Army.
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