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Special Forces VHF FM radio

SPIDER was a compact tactical portable and mobile VHF FM radio transceiver with optional voice encryption and data capabilities, developed in 1987/88 by Hollandse Signaalapparaten NV (HSA) 1 in Huizen (Netherlands). It covers 30 to 107.975 MHz in (3120) 25 kHz steps, and was the last radio produced by HSA before the company was taken over by Thomson (now: Thales) in 1990. The radio is also known as 9556 304 14800 with the last two digits identifying the variant. 2

The radio has a simple and clear control panel with 15 rubber push-buttons, a rotary selector, a large display and sockets for handset, data and antenna. Up to 9 frequencies can be stored as presets. A power socket is available at the right.

The image on the right shows the manpack version of the radio set, with an enhanced handset with remote capabilities. The antenna is not shown here. The unit measures 2 x 17.5 x 6.5 cm and weights just 2.6 kg. The complete manpack, including the batteries, the handset, the antenna and accessories weights ± 5 kg.
SPIDER with H-189/GR

The radio can be extended with an (optional) cypto unit, which is mounted at the bottom. This requires a 'bulged' bottom lid to be used instead of the normal one, in order to accomodate an extra PCB which is fitted on top of the control board. When the crypto unit is present, it provides full voice encryption and decryption capabilities, as well as transmission of data at a variety of speeds. In addition, the crypto unit supports burst transmission of up to 99 pre-coded messages. The transmitter output power has three levels (20mW, 200mW and 2W), plus a 5W booster (B).

SPIDER, or S.P.I.D.E.R., is an acronym for Signaal Portable Infantry Digital Encrypted Radio [1]. The radio was produced in small quantities especially for the Dutch Special Forces (SF) and was mainly used abroad for short-range communication, complementary to the existing long-range LAPR (SE-6861) HF radio sets. Although the radio is intended as a manpack transceiver, it can also be converted into a vehicular radio set by adding an external power supply unit (PSU). When used as a manpack, it can be used with dry cells as well as with a rechargeable battery block.

  1. Philips daughter HSA Huizen, also known as Signaal Huizen, was formerly known as Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie (PTI) and was taken over by Thomson (now: Thales) in 1990.
  2. This is the so-called 12NC identification. At present there are no known manufacturing variants.

SPIDER manpack radio
SPIDER with H-189/GR
SPIDER front panel
Battery compartment - open
H-189/GR handset
SPIDER with H-189/GR handset
SPIDER tactical manpack radio
SPIDER radio installed on manpack harness
1 / 8
SPIDER manpack radio
2 / 8
SPIDER with H-189/GR
3 / 8
SPIDER front panel
4 / 8
Battery compartment - open
5 / 8
H-189/GR handset
6 / 8
SPIDER with H-189/GR handset
7 / 8
SPIDER tactical manpack radio
8 / 8
SPIDER radio installed on manpack harness

All controls and connections, with the exception of the power socket, are located at the control panel at the front of the radio. In the diagram below, the radio is placed vertically with its control panel at the top. When used in manpack configuration, the radio is positioned this way. At the left are two audio sockets, one for a common US/NATO-standard handset with a 5 or 6-pin U-229 connector, and a 10-pin one that is suitable for both audio and data. 1 At the right is a 50Ω BNC socket with a threaded ring for connecting a rod-antenna 2 or an external vehicle/base antenna.

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At the bottom right is a 9-position rotary selector that is used as ON/OFF switch and volume control. The audio volume can be adjusted in 6 steps 3 with an extra Whisper Mode (W) before step 1. The last step of the rotary switch is momentary and is marked (Z). If the switch is held in this position and the Z-button on the keypad is pressed simultaneously, the radio is zeroized. 1

All other functions are controlled from the 12-button rubber keypad at the center of the control panel, in combination with the clear LCD display. It allows quick selection of a preset channel, programming of the frequencies, adjustment of the RF output power and control of the squelch. The display can also be illuminated. For a full description of the functions look under operation.

  1. This requires the optional crypto/data board to be fitted.
  2. When using a rod-antenna, an Antenna Matching Unit (AMU) has to be fitted.
  3. An additional volume control is present on the enhanced handset.

Front panel
Audio sockets
Antenna socket and channel selector
Right side
Power socket
1 / 5
Front panel
2 / 5
Audio sockets
3 / 5
Antenna socket and channel selector
4 / 5
Right side
5 / 5
Power socket

Power supply
The SPIDER can be powered in the following manners:

  • Dry batteries
    The radio can be powered by a replaceable battery pack that contains dry Alkaline cells. These battery packs should not be recharged.

  • Rechargeable batteries
    Alternatively, the radio can be powered by a rechargeable battery pack that contains 10 type R14 NiCd cells. In this case the batteries can be recharged by supplying a current (100mA max.) to pin C of the supply socket.

  • External power supply unit (PSU)
    In addition, the SPIDER can also be powered by an (optional) external power supply unit (PSU) which should be connected to the 10-pin supply socket at the right rear. It should supply 10-15V DC with a maximimum current of 2A. A suitable PSU is available for connecting the radio to the 24V of a vehicle when using it in a mobile configuration.
Battery compartment - closed
Opening the battery compartment
Battery compartment - open
Rear side with open battery compartment
Battery contacts
Battery contacts
Connections of the power socket
Power socket
1 / 8
Battery compartment - closed
2 / 8
Opening the battery compartment
3 / 8
Battery compartment - open
4 / 8
Rear side with open battery compartment
5 / 8
Battery contacts
6 / 8
Battery contacts
7 / 8
Connections of the power socket
8 / 8
Power socket

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All features of the SPIDER, are accessible via the control panel at the front (or top) of the radio. The control panel consists of a clear and bright illuminated LCD display, Zeroize (Z) and Booster (B) buttons, and a 12-button rubber keypad. The buttons of the keypad are marked with the numbers (0-9), (F) for Function and (ENT) for Enter. Volume control is at the bottom right.

Most keys have a extra function which is printed above it. In normal use, the extra function can be used directly, with the exception of the frequency setting (FREQ), which requires the F-key to be pressed first. This is done to avoid accidental changes to the preset frequencies. The functions LD, MODE, SEL, GEN and MESS are only available when the optional crypto/data board is present.

Display illumination
Three levels of brightness are available for illumination of the LCD display. In normal use, display illumination is OFF at all times. It can be enabled by pressing LAMP, followed by the required level: 1, 2 or 3. The backlight can be turned OFF by pressing LAMP followed by 0. Once enabled, the display backlight is turned OFF automatically after approx. 10 seconds of inactivity.

RF output power
The RF output power of the SPIDER's transmitter can be set to any of 4 levels: 20mW, 200mW, 2W and 5W. Note that 5W is only available temporarily after pressing the Booster key (B). This is done to minimise the risk of detection, interception and radio direction finding, which is of particular importance when the radio is used by Special Forces (SF). In Booster-Mode, after releasing the PTT, the output level reverts to the last programmed setting. The following settings are available:

Channel selection
The SPIDER can receive and transmit on 9 preset frequencies or channels. Once programmed, the required channel can be selected in two ways: directly from the keypad, or (when using the special extended handset), via a rotary selector on the handset. This rotary selector has 9 settings (0-8). In positions 1 to 8, the corresponding channel is selected directly and channel selection via the keypad is disabled. In position 0, the channel can be selected via the radio's keypad.

Frequency setting
The frequency for each of the 9 preset channels can be set with the FREQ-function. Please note that this function is protected against accidental changes. Before altering the frequency, select the required channel and press the F-key to enter Function-mode. Then press FREQ, enter the frequency (e.g. 52.100 MHz) en press ENT to confirm. This sequence is illustrated below:

The receiver has a noise canceller (squelch) that can be switched ON and OFF by the user. The treshold level is preset and can not be changed by the user. Simply press the SQ-key to turn the squelch ON and press it again to switch it OFF. The current squelch state is shown in the display. Note that the squelch will only open automatically if a 150 Hz CTCSS tone is received.

If the crypto option is fitted, cryptograhics keys will be stored in the radio's non-volatile memory. If security is compromised, it may be necessary to destroy the keys, so that they can not fall into enemy hands. This is done by ZEROIZING the radio. As per convention, this is a 2-step process: Rotate the VOLUME control to the Z and hold it in that position, whilst simultaneously pressing the Z-button below the display. Once ZEROIZED, secure communication is no longer possible.

SPIDER installed on a manpack harness. Kindly supplied by Marcel Rohrs [3].

SPIDER radio as manpack or vehicle-mounted
Enhanced handset with channel selector
Adjustable rod antenna
Antenna Matching Unit
Replaceable and rechargeable batteries
Vehicle mounting bracket
Power Supply Unit
Radio Remote Control Set (variant of KL/GRA-3686)
Message Exchange Device (MED)
Thermal printer
Manpack carrying case
Crypto, data and burst expansion
SPIDER radio
The basic (manpack) version of the SPIDER radio set, is shown in the image on the right. It measures just 240 x 175 x 66 mm and weights 3.4 kg, including Alkaline batteries.

The radio can optionally be expanded with a crypto board, in which case the height is extended to 82 mm (rather than 66 mm).
SPIDER manpack radio

Although the SPIDER radio can be used with virtually any type of handset with a U-229 connector, it was generally supplied with the enhanced one shown in the image on the right, which has remote control facilities.

Apart from setting the speaker volume, any of 9 preset channels can be selected directly from the handset, whilst the operator carries the radio on his back using the special manpack harness.
H-189/GR handset

For connection of an antenna, a standard BNC socket is available at the top right of the front panel. Apart from an external vehicle antenna, this socket is also suitable for a wide-range manpack antenna rod that is screwed in place.

The antenna consists of three parts: an Antenna Matching Unit (AMU) as shown here, a gooseneck and a five-piece antenna rod that is approx. 1.5 m long. The gooseneck is mounted between the AMU and the rod, and is an active part of the antenna. It allows the antenna to be bended during military operations.

Antenna rod and gooseneck

Antenna matching unit   AMU
When using the SPIDER radio in manpack configuration, the Antenna Matching Unit (AMU), shown in the image on the right, has to be fitted between the BNC socket on the radio's front panel and the rod antenna shown above.

At the lower end, the AMU has a BNC plug with screw fitting, that mates with the BNC socket on the SPIDER. At the top, it has a threaded hole for the gooseneck of the rod antenna [J][K][L].

 AMU circuit diagram

Antenna Matching Unit (AMU)

When used as a manpack radio, the SPIDER is powered by an internal 12V battery that was placed inside the battery compartment, at the radio's rear end, behind a hinged panel.

Two types of battery were available: (1) a dry non-chargeable Alkaline battery pack and (2) a rechargeable NiCd battery pack. The latter is shown in the image on the right.
Spider battery pack with fixed NiCd cells

Vehicle mounting bracket
A portable SPIDER manpack radio could easily be converted to a vehicular radio set, by mounting it inside a special frame that in turn is mounted inside a vehicle. The radio is held in place with a velcro strip at the top.

The vehicle bracket was normally used in combination with a special 24V DC vehicular power supply unit (PSU), a vehicular antenna and suitable cables, all of which are described in manual HTG5-2541e [E]. The image on the right shows how the radio was fitted inside the special vehicle mounting bracket. The matching Vehicle PSU is shown below.

Spider being placed in the vehicle mount

PSU   wanted
For infantry use (manpack), the radio can be powered by any DC source between 9 and 16V (typically 12V). When used as a vehicular radio set however, a special Power Supply Unit (PSU) is needed in order to power the set directly from the 24V battery of a tank or truck.

The 24V PSU is mounted externally and connects to the 10-pin Supply Connector at the side of the radio. It accepts a DC voltage in the range 22 to 33V, which is converted into 14V DV for the radio. Features and installation of the Vehicular PSU is described in manual HGT5-2541e [E].

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Remote control set   GRA-3686(S)
SPIDER could be remote operated via a modified KL/GRA-3686 Remote Control Set (RCS) 1 , that was originally developed for the RT-4600 and for the earlier RT-3600 military radio sets.

The image on the right shows the C-3686A, which is one half of the modified KL/GRA-3686. It can be connected to one or two SPIDER radios, via the 10-pin sockets at the left.

 More information

One half (radio end) of the Remote Control Set

  1. In Dutch known as Afstandbedieningsapparaat (ABA).

Message exchange device   MED
If voice communication (speech) is undesired or simply not possible (e.g. during reconnaissance missions), the digital Message Exchange Device (MED) shown in the image on the right could be used instead. It has a built-in FSK modem that converts the digital signals into audio tones.

The MED has built-in crypto facilities and does not require the (optional) crypto/data board in the SPIDER itself. It is completely self-contained.

 More information

Message Exchange Device (MED)

Printer   wanted
For the message terminal (MED) shown above, an external thermal printer was available, which is shown in the image on the right. It consists of a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) printing unit, housed in a die-cast aluminium enclosure.

It is currently unknown whether this printer was ever made in large quantities. Furthermore, it is likely that the one shown here, is a prototype, as it has a fixed cable with a DB25/F connector at the end, whilst the MED has an NF7 connector.

SPIDER printer (prototype). Photograph kindly supplied by Egbert Spaa [6].

This manpack can be used to carry the radio at the operator's back. The plastic frame that holds the radio, has two alignment pins to prevent the radio from slipping out, and a velcro strip to keep it in place. Furthermore there is a zipper bag for the accessories and for a spare battery.

When carried on the back, the radio is facing outwards, so that it can be operated by another member of the team. When used in this way, the enhanced handset is recommended, as it allows the operator to select the channel and set the audio volume without accessing the front panel.

SPIDER Manpack harness. Kindly supplied by Marcel Rohrs [3].
Crypto   UP-2094 — wanted
The standard version of the radio does not have encryption/decryption facilities, but can be extended by installing an optional crypto/data board. This board adds several other features as well, and is mounted at the bottom of the radio, on top of the existing Audio/CPU board.

It connects to the Audio/CPU board by means of two internal 20-pin headers. As a result, the bottom lid of the case has to be replaced by a variant with a 'blob' in order to accomodate the board. The crypto-variant of the radio can easily be recognised by the thicker bottom panel.

The image on the right was kindly supplied by Egbert Spaa (PE1OSF) [6], and shows the bottom side of his SPIDER radio, with the bulged bottom panel installed. Inside this thicker panel is space for the optional crypto/data board, which is un­fortunately missing from the device shown here.
Bottom view of a SPIDER with space for the crypto extension. Photograph kindly supplied by Egbert Spaa [6].

When the crypto/data board is present, the extra functions of the keypad (LD, MODE, SEL, GEN and MESS) become available. The additional features of the expansion board are explained in a separate manual [H] which we have not been able to uncover yet. The Spider crypto module was developed by the Crypto Division of Philips Usfa in Eindhoven, and was known as UP-2094 [5]. As far as we know, no surviving examples of the UP-2094 crypto module have been found so far.

The crypto/data board adds the following features:

  • High-speed data transfer
  • Voice encryption/decryption
  • Low-speed data encryption
  • Burst transmission of pre-coded messages
  • Selective calling
H-189/GR handset
Volume control and channel selection on the handset
SPIDER with H-189/GR handset
SPIDER with H-189/GR handset
Antenna socket and channel selector
Antenna Matching Unit (AMU)
Label on the AMU
Antenna and AMU
Antenna with AMU
Antenna rod and gooseneck
SPIDER with handset and antenna
SPIDER with handset and antenna
Rear side with open battery compartment
Spider vehicle mount
Spider being placed in the vehicle mount
Spider placed in vehicle mount
Locked in place with velcro
Close-up of the NiCd cells
Spring-loaded contacts
SPIDER manpack harness
Should straps
SPIDER radio installed on manpack harness
Fixating pin on the plastic frame
Holes to mate with the pins on the plastic frame
SPIDER installed on the harness - seen from the battery compartment
Fastening the velcro strip
ID plate
24V PSU - Source: [7]
24V PSU - Source: [7]
24V PSU - Source: [7]
Spider with crypto-extension at the bottom
Bottom view of a Spider with the crypto-extension at the bottom
Side view of the bottom of the Spider with crypto-extension
Spider printer
Spider printer (probably a prototype)
1 / 39
H-189/GR handset
2 / 39
3 / 39
4 / 39
5 / 39
Volume control and channel selection on the handset
6 / 39
SPIDER with H-189/GR handset
7 / 39
SPIDER with H-189/GR handset
8 / 39
9 / 39
Antenna socket and channel selector
10 / 39
Antenna Matching Unit (AMU)
11 / 39
Label on the AMU
12 / 39
Antenna and AMU
13 / 39
Antenna with AMU
14 / 39
Antenna rod and gooseneck
15 / 39
SPIDER with handset and antenna
16 / 39
SPIDER with handset and antenna
17 / 39
Rear side with open battery compartment
18 / 39
Spider vehicle mount
19 / 39
Spider being placed in the vehicle mount
20 / 39
Spider placed in vehicle mount
21 / 39
Locked in place with velcro
22 / 39
Close-up of the NiCd cells
23 / 39
Spring-loaded contacts
24 / 39
SPIDER manpack harness
25 / 39
Should straps
26 / 39
SPIDER radio installed on manpack harness
27 / 39
Fixating pin on the plastic frame
28 / 39
Holes to mate with the pins on the plastic frame
29 / 39
SPIDER installed on the harness - seen from the battery compartment
30 / 39
Fastening the velcro strip
31 / 39
ID plate
32 / 39
24V PSU - Source: [7]
33 / 39
24V PSU - Source: [7]
34 / 39
24V PSU - Source: [7]
35 / 39
Spider with crypto-extension at the bottom
36 / 39
Bottom view of a Spider with the crypto-extension at the bottom
37 / 39
Side view of the bottom of the Spider with crypto-extension
38 / 39
Spider printer
39 / 39
Spider printer (probably a prototype)

The highly compact SPIDER radio is housed in a die-cast aluminium enclosure, that consists of two large sections, one at the top and one at the bottom, a battery compartment at the rear and a removable front panel. The top and bottom sections are covered by sealed aluminium panels.

After loosening the four screws at the corners of the top panel, the upper compartment can be accessed. It contains the RF section of the transmitter and the receiver on a single board, as shown in the image on the right. The antenna connection is at the bottom left. At the bottom right of the board are two RF power transistors BLF242 and BLF244. The Power Amplifier (PA) has been dimensioned in such a way that it survives a full short or a non-terminated output.

The RF board can be extracted after removing 4 bolts in the corners, one at the centre and four smaller ones around the power transistors.
Interior - RF section

Most of the components are fitted to the top side of the RF board, but some smaller parts, mainly resistors, capacitors and diodes, are fitted at the bottom. At the centre of the bottom side is a 18-pin header that connects the RF board to the EXC/SMPS section at the other side.

All other parts are located at the bottom side of the radio and can be accessed by removed the bottom lid. The image on the right shows the radio's bottom side with the Audio/Logic board partly removed at the left. This board connects to the radio's front panel by means of flex PCBs.

Inside the radio is a large board that holds the internal SMPS power supply 1 , the exciter and the synthesizers. Mounted on a separate PCB at the centre is the reference oscillator. Note that the SMPS and the synthesizers are individialy shielded in order to avoid RF and IF interference.
Interior - seen from the bottom of the radio

The Audio/Logic board has two 20-pin sockets that are positioned in such a way that they can be accessed from the solder side of the PCB. When the Audio/Logic board is mounted in place, the (optional) Crypto/Data board can be fitted on top, connecting to these two 20-pin sockets.

  1. SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply.

Interior - RF section
RF board - top view
RF board - bottom view
RF detail
PA stage
RF board removed from the radio
Interior - bottom view
Interior - seen from the bottom of the radio
Audio/CPU board
Power supply, reference oscillator and synthesizer
Power supply
Reference oscillator
1 / 16
Interior - RF section
2 / 16
RF board - top view
3 / 16
RF board - bottom view
4 / 16
5 / 16
6 / 16
7 / 16
RF detail
8 / 16
PA stage
9 / 16
RF board removed from the radio
10 / 16
Interior - bottom view
11 / 16
Interior - seen from the bottom of the radio
12 / 16
Audio/CPU board
13 / 16
Power supply, reference oscillator and synthesizer
14 / 16
15 / 16
Power supply
16 / 16
Reference oscillator

Block diagram
The simplified bock diagram below shows how the various parts of the SPIDER are connected together. At the left is the LF/Control board that contains the audio section as well as the microcontroller which is separately shielded in order to avoid interference. The front panel is connected directly to this board by means of several flex PCBs and dual-row headers.

SPIDER bock diagram. Click to view the original block diagram.

At the right are the IF/RF sections and the internal SMPS power supply. At the center is the reference oscillator that provides the various frequencies needed by the other boards. It is mounted as a separate board at the center of the EXC/SMPS board. For a more detailed overview of the connections between the various boards, please refer to the original block diagram [I].

The SPIDER manpack radio has a total of four connectors, three of which are located at the front panel. The fourth socket is located at the right rear. Pinout and specifications of the connectors are given below. The following sockets are present:

This is a standard 50Ω BNC socket with an additional threaded ring, allowing a short manpack antenna rod with extension coil to be used directly. When used in a vehicle, a normal BNC plug can be connected directly. The antenna input/output is suitable for the entire 30-108 MHz range.

Audio 6-pin socket
At the top left of the front panel is a U-283/U male audio socket for connection of a microphone, headset or handset. Whilst it follows the standard US/NATO U-229 conventions for pins A to D, pins E and F are used for additional features here. Also note that the pinout of this socket is different from the earlier RT-3600 radio. This socket is not used for connection of a FILL unit.

  1. GND
    Common ground
  2. SPK
    Audio out 1
  3. PTT
    Transmit contact
  4. MIC
    Audio in 2
  5. SQL
    Squelch contact 3
  6. CH
    Channel preset selection 4
  1. 2V RMS into 500Ω.
  2. Sensitivity deping on setting.
  3. This is an open-collector output which can be used for retransmissions.
  4. A resistor in the handset determines the selected (preset) channel.

Channel selection
Pin F of the 6-pin U-229 connector of the handset can be used to select one of the 9 preset channels. This is done by connecting a resistor (with an accuracy of 2%) between this pin and ground, using the following table:

  • no resistor
    Channel 0 - selection via keypad
  • 470 kΩ
    Channel 1
  • 180 kΩ
    Channel 2
  • 100 kΩ
    Channel 3
  • 68 kΩ
    Channel 4
  • 47 kΩ
    Channel 5
  • 33 kΩ
    Channel 6
  • 22 kΩ
    Channel 7
  • 15 kΩ
    Channel 8
Audio 10-pin socket
In addition to the 6-pin audio socket shown above, the SPIDER also has a 10-pin NF10 audio socket which allows a wider variety of peripherals to be connected to the radio. When the (optional) crypto unit is fitted, this socket is also used for connection of a FILL gun and for data.

  1. GND
    Common ground
  2. SPK
    Audio output
  3. PTT
    Transmit contact
  4. MIC
    Audio in
  5. SQL
    Squelch contact
  6. NOGO
    'NOGO' information (active low)
  7. -
    not connected
  8. ADR
    Peripheral address 2
  9. PWR
    +12V supply for peripheral
  10. DATA
    'Data mode' information (active low)
  1. The V24/28 data interface is only available when the crypto/data unit is fitted and DATA-mode is selected.
  2. A 2% resistor between this pin and ground selects the required operation (see below).

Peripheral address   on the 10-pin audio socket
As the 10-pin audio socket at the left bottom corner of the front panel can be used for the connection of various types of accessories, such as handset, data terminal and FILL unit, a 2% resistor may be connected between pin H and ground to select the required function:

  • no resistor
    Handset or headset
  • 470 kΩ
    Retransmission cable
  • 180 kΩ
    Message exchange device
  • 68 kΩ
    Intercom system
  • 33 kΩ
    FILL gun
Supply/peripheral socket
At the right side of the radio, a 10-pin male socket is available for connection of an external power supply unit and/or peripheral equipment, such as a remote control unit or test equipment.

  1. External supply ground 1
  2. External supply input (+10 to +15V DC) 1
  3. Battery recharge current input (max. 100mA)
  4. Data ground 2
  5. Data output 2
  6. Data input 2
  7. +5V DC output for peripheral use
  8. Peripheral address 3
  9. Common ground
  10. not connected
  1. Internally connected if external supply is present with correct polarity.
  2. Data interface for control of peripheral equipment (V24/28, 2400 baud).
  3. A 2% resistor (connected to ground) determines the function of the interface (see below).

Peripheral address   on the power socket
As the Supply/Peripheral socket at the right rear can be used for a variety of purposes, a sensing resistor 1 (usually mounted inside the peripheral or its cable) should be connected between pin H and ground to select the required operation. The following addresses have been assigned:

  • no resistor
    Supply cable
  • 47 kΩ
    Remote control
  • 6.8 kΩ
    External equipment
  • 2.2 kΩ
    Test equipment
  1. The sensing resistor should have an accuracy of 2%.

By using an appropriate retransmission or crossover cable, two SPIDER radios can be combined to form a repeater or transponder. This can be used, for example, to extend the range between a platoon and the base camp, or for connecting two different radio nets. This is done by crossing the audio in/out connections as well as connecting the PTT of each set to the squelch contact (SQL) of the other one. The pinout of a suitable retransmission cable is given here:

Retransmission is also possible by linking two radios via the 10-pin audio connector, in which case a 470 kΩ resistor has to be mounted inside the connectors in order to enable the appropriate function. This is the recommended method. The wiring is as follows:

Main unit
Description HSA code (12NC) NSN
Transceiver 9556 304 14800  
Vehicle mounting bracket 9556 304 27300  
Carrying harness 9556 304 20600  
Antenna Matching Unit (AMU) 9556 304 20400  
Antenna (long) 9556 004 14100  
Handset H-189/GR (standard) 9556 004 08200  
Rechargeable battery block 9556 304 20700  
Operators Manual - Manpack (provisional) HGT5-2515e ?
Operators Manual - Manpack HGT5-2531e 7610-17-104-9220
Operators Manual - Vehicular Radio Set HGT5-2541e 7610-17-104-9221
Field Maintenance Manual - Manpack HGT5-2542e 7610-17-104-9222
Field Maintenance Manual - Vehicular Radio Set HGT5-2543e 7610-17-104-9223
Instruction card HGT5-2528e ?
Battery holder for 10 dry cells 9556 304 20300  
Handset with channel selector 9556 004 08300  
Handset with channel selector (later version) 9556 004 08301  
Headset 9556 304 27400  
Retransmission cable 9556 820 60000  
Antenna (short) 3522 023 17370  
Crypto module UP-2094 1 9556 061 170xx  
Replacement parts
Transmitter/receiver PCB 9556 820 27500  
Exiter/PSU PCB 9556 820 27600  
LF/Control PCB 9556 820 27700  
Reference circuit PCB 9556 820 33100  
Front panel PCB 9556 820 27400  
  1. Developed by Philips Crypto in Eindhoven (Netherlands), according to Philips Crypto drawing 4322 082 51510.

  • Frequency
    30.000 - 107.975 MHz
  • Spacing
    25 kHz
  • Channels
  • Presets
  • Modulation
  • Deviation
    5 kHz (nominal)
  • Speech
    300 - 3400 Hz
  • Squelch
    150 Hz CTCSS
  • Power
    12V nominal (9V-16V DC)
  • Storage
    -40 to +70°C
  • Operation
    -30 to +65°C
  • Dimensions
    240 x 175 x 66 mm (with crypto: 240 x 175 x 82 mm)
  • Weight
    2.6 kg (3.4 kg with batteries, 5 kg for complete manpack)
  • Sensitivity
    0.4µV (at 10dB SINAD)
  • AF output
    max. 2V RMS into 500Ω
  • Rejection
    60dB or better
  • Selectivity
    60dB or more suppression of signal ±25kHz from RX frequency
  • Current
    approx. 140mA
  • RF output
    4 levels: 20mW, 200mW, 2W, 5W
  • Impedance
  • Max. SWR
  • Harmonic
    50db or better suppression (60-400MHz)
  • Current
    1.2A at 2W output (2A at 5W output)
AMU   Antenna Matching Unit
Small unit that is fitted between the antenna socket and the actual antenna rod. It makes the antenna rod suitable for the full frequency range of the radio.
CTCSS   Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System
Continuous sub-audible sinewave tone, added to the audio signal of a transmitter, in order to open the squelch of the receiver. In the case of SPIDER (and the older RT-3600) a 150 Hz tone is used.
FM   Frequency Modulation
HSA   Hollandse Signaalapparaten.
At the time a Philips subsidary. Sold in 1990 to Thomson (now: Thales).
IF   Intermediate Frequency
LCD   Liquid Crystal Display
LD   Load
This function is used for loading cryptographic keys. It requires the optional crypto/data expansion card to be fitted.
LF   Low Frequency
Also known as AF (Audio Frequency).
PCB   Printed Circuit Board
PSU   Power Supply Unit
PWR   Power
In this context, PWR is used for setting the transmitter's RF output power.
PTT   Push-To-Talk
General expression for the tranmit button on the handset, headset or microphone.
RF   Radio Frequency
SF   Special Forces
SQ   Squelch
Noise cancelling system.
Help wanted
If you have any additional documentation, circuit diagrams, leaflets, crypto expansion, accessories, etc., please contact us. We are also looking for photographs of the items that are missing from this page. Any additional information is much appreciated.

  1. SPIDER Leaflet
    HSA, October 1989. 2 pages. 2
     Older version of October 1987 1

  2. SPIDER Instruction Card
    HGT5-2528e. HSA, date unknown. 1

  3. SPIDER Manpack Transceiver - Operators Manual (provisional)
    HGT5-2515e. HSA, December 1988. 39 pages. 1

  4. SPIDER Manpack Transceiver - Operators Manual
    NSN 7610-17-104-9220. HGT5-2531e. HSA, October 1990. 25 pages. 1

  5. Vehicular Radio Set - Operators Manual
    NSN 7610-17-104-9221. HGT5-2541e. HSA, October 1990. 15 pages. 1

  6. SPIDER Manpack Transceiver - Field Maintenance Manual
    NSN 7610-17-104-9222. HGT5-2542e. HSA, October 1990. 41 pages. 1

  7. Vehicular Radio Set - Field Maintenance Manual
    NSN 7610-17-104-9223. HGT5-2543e. HSA, October 1990. 15 pages. 2

  8. SPIDER Crypto/Data expansion unit - Operators Manual - WANTED
    Number and date unknown.

  9. SPIDER Block diagram
    HSA, date unknown. 1

  10. Spider transmitter/receiver - technical description
    HSA, 2 November 1989 — 9 January 1990.

  11. Spider transmitter/receiver - block diagram, circuit diagrams, PCB
    HSA, 15 April 1989 — 9 March 1990.

  12. Antenna Matching Unit (AMU) - technical description
    8 November 1988 - 18 July 1991. 6 pages. 2

  13. Battery pack specification and technical drawings
    HSA, 28 November 1989 — 20 March 1990.

  14. Battery connection - technical drawings
    HSA, 12 May 1989 — 8 January 1990.

  15. Crypto Card assembly specifications
    HSA, 11 December 1990 — 27 January 1992.
  1. Document kindly provided by Marcel Rohrs [3].
  2. Document kindly provided by Anonymous [7].

  1. Klaus-Peter Jung (DH4PY), S.P.I.D.E.R.
    Retrieved November 2015.

  2. Don Parry, Special Forces Communications Requirements...
    Armada International, 1 February 1990. SPIDER announcement.
    Retrieved via The Free Library, November 2015.

  3. Marcel Rohrs, SPIDER documentation and harness - THANKS !
    Personal correspondence, November 2015.

  4. Frans Veltman, Personal correspondence
    December 2018.

  5. Onkruit, De klanten van Philips Crypto
    The customers of Philips Crypto (Dutch). June 1992. 2

  6. Egbert Spaa (PE1OSF), Photographs of crypto compartment and printer
    Received November 2020.

  7. Anonymous, photographs of 24V PSU and various missing Spider documentation
    April - June 2021.
Further information
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© Crypto Museum. Created: Sunday 08 November 2015. Last changed: Wednesday, 10 August 2022 - 07:13 CET.
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