SF SBO Telefunken HRM-7000 TCU-7000 →
The device is housed in a green watertight die-cast aluminium enclosure that
measures 325 × 225 × 67 mm and weights 3.6 kg, batteries and accessories not
included. All connections are at the front panel, but there are
no controls at all.
Instead, the transceiver is operated from the externally
connected TCU-7000 Crypto Unit.
At the back of the radio (i.e. the large surface that is visible in the
image on the right) is space for a battery
and an ATU-7000 antenna tuner, which
is powered and controlled via a single coaxial cable
that is connected to the ATU socket.
The device has a built-in MODEM that supports the
ECHOTEL standard
– also developed by Telefunken –
plus a radio processor that controls the various waveforms, protocols
and frequency hopping features. The device also offers
Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)
as well as Automatic Link Establishment (ALE),
using HRS or MAHRS protocols.
Various types of batteries
are available, including the high-capacity
non-rechargeable BPU-7000 LiMnO2 and the rechareable
APU-7002 NiMH.
The battery mates with a 3-contact connector
a the back.
At both sides of the device are black spring-loaded clips for keeping the
battery and the antenna tuner in place.
When used in vehicle configuration, the device is often combined with
the AMP-7000 400W power amplifier, the ATU-7400 antenna tuner
and the PSU-7000 vehicle PSU.
We are looking for operational and technical documentation for this
radio, so that we know how to use it. We are also looking for the
ATU-7000 antenna tuner and for a rechargeable battery.
If you can provide any of these, or any other information that might
help us to improve this page, please contact us.
The image below shows the front panel of the HRU-7000, which holds all
connections and two LED indicators. There are no controls.
At the top surface (normally at the back when the device is carried in
upright position) are metal stubs for holding the BPU-7000 battery
and the ATU-7000 antenna tuner. The battery mates with
three recessed contacts in the surface.
The battery and the antenna tuner are kept in place by means of
four spring loaded clips (two at either side).
The external antenna tuner should be connected to the N-socket
at the top left, marked ATU. RF signal, power and control signals are
all passed via a single coaxial cable. To its right is a
10-pin NF10 connector for the handset.
This can be a regular analogue handset, or the classified
VCH-7000 Vocoder Crypto Handset, which offers true encryption via the
built-in modem. The third connector, marked TCU, is a
TNC socket for connection of the
TCU-7000 Terminal Crypto Unit.
The connector at the far right, marked COM, is only present on
the HRU-7000/M version. It provides an additional interface for software
download, external crypto unit and the alternative capability of switching
the device to HRS-7000 or MAHRS operating mode. In practice,
this port was often used for connecting an external
Elcrobit 3-2 or an Elcrodat 4-2 data encryptor.
- HRU-7000
This is the standard version of the transceiver. It operates in the 2-30 MHz
frequency range and allows fast data and analogue voice transmission in
SSB (USB). The built-in radio processor automates functional processes,
such as selection of the operating frequency, automatic link establishment
(ALE), adaptive frequency management, data processing, and error correction
(FEC and ARQ). It also has an ECHOTEL-compatible MODEM. The
processor uses the HF transmission standard HRS-7000 (HRS)
for high efficiency.
- HRU-7000/M
This version has the same specifications as the standard HRU-7000, but offers an
additional interface for software download, external crypto units and the
capability of switching between HRS and MAHRS mode.
- HRU-7000/N
This version has the same specifications as the standard HRU-7000, but offers
additional operating modes: HRS, MAHRS,
STANAG 5600 (waveforms: STANAG 4285, 4539 and MIL-STD-188-110A),
and STANAG 4538 (optional).
- HRU-7000E
The specifications of this version are identical to those of the HRU-7000/N,
so it is likely that it is a later version of the HRU-7000/N.
There are three ways to send encrypted messages with the HRU-7000:
- TCU-7000 Terminal
The TCU-7000 Terminal Crypto Unit allows sending
and receiving of encrypted text messages.
These messages can be scheduled (time and date) and are send
as a short burst to minimise the chance of detection by means
of radio direction finding (RDF).
- VCH-7000 Handset
The VCH-7000 Vocoder Crypto Handset allows secure voice communication
via narrowband HF radio channels. This is done by using a vocoder
and encrypting the resulting digital data. The VCH-7000 can be connected
instead of the regular analogue handset.
- External encryption device
The HRU-7000/M has an extra COM-port to which an external encryption device
can be connected. In the Germany Army, it was commonly used with the
Elcrobit 3-2 or Elcrodat 4-2 data encryptors,
both of which were developed by Siemens.
The first socket from the left is an N-connector,
marked ATU. Although it is possible to connect the antenna directly to
this socket, it is intended for the ATU-7000 Antenna Tuning Unit.
It receives the RF signal, DC power and control signals from the
transceiver via a single coaxial cable.
At the front panel is a
10-pin NF10 receptacle
marked with the symbol of a handset.
It is used for connection of a standard (analogue) handset or for the
VCH-700 Vocoder Crypto Handset.
It is possible (but not certain) that this socket was also used for loading
the frequency hopping tables by means of a
DS102-compatible Data Transfer Device.
Note the position of the keying notches around
the circumference, that are in an unusual position. This is done to avoid
confusion with the COM-connector (see below).
The pinout of this connector is currently unknown.
The third coonnector from the left is a TNC-socket
marked TCU. It is for connection of the
TCU-7000 Terminal Crypto Unit by means of a
short coaxial cable with
TNC plugs at both ends. It offers
bidirectional digital communication over a single coaxial wire.
TNC is very similar to BNC, but offers a better connection as it uses
a screw-fitting rather than a bajonet-fitting.
The HRU-7000/M version of the transceiver has an extra
NF10 connector at the
right side of the front panel, marked 'COM'. It provides an additional
interface for software updates, external crypto units and the capability for
switching between HRS and MAHRS modes.
The pinout of this connector is currently unknown.
Device HF Radio Unit Purpose Secure communication for Army, SF, RRF, SBO Designator HRM-7000 Manufacturer TST, Telefunken, DASA, EADS, Racoms, Elbit Country Germany Years 1996-2024
Development 1994-1996 NSN see below Part of HRM-7000 Predecessors FS-5000, Racal PRM-4150 Successor HRM-9000 Users NATO, Germany (Fernspäher), Spain, Switzerland, KFOR Control TCU-7000 Frequency 2-30 MHz Channels 32 (+32 emergency channels) Spacing 1 kHz Waveforms C1B (TX), J2B RX), USB, A3 (AM) Data 2000 baud (TX), 75 baud (RX) Output 30W Power 11.4-19V DC (typical: 14.4V) Current 200mA (RX), 8A (TX) Dimensions 325 × 225 × 67 mm Weight 3636 g (without accessories)
HRU-7000/2 5820-12-352-3371 HRU-7000/M 5820-12-357-9960
- Frequency Hopping
- ECHOTEL modem
- Forward Error Correction (FEC)
- Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)
- Automatic Link Establishment (ALE)
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© Crypto Museum. Created: Tuesday 24 December 2024. Last changed: Friday, 27 December 2024 - 20:09 CET.