Bundesrepublik Deutschland · BRD 1
During WWII, the intelligence agencies
of the German Nazi apparatus,
and the general intelligence service
the Abwehr
in particular, developed, produced and deployed a wide variety of
spy radio sets, most of
which were used to send intelligence from foreign countries back to Germany.
After the war, the newly established
Organisation Gehlen (OG), which consisted of
a number former Nazi spies, also developed and deployed a range of spy radio sets that were used alongside US-supplied radio sets.
This continued after 1956, when the OG
was transformed into the current German intelligence service
— Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND).
English: Federal Republic of Germany (FRG).
German spy radio sets on this website
Of the early German spy radio sets that were developed prior to WWII,
the official designators (if they existed at all)
are often unknown.
In such cases we will use the 'invented names' from Louis Meulstee's
book Wireless for the Warrior Volume 4 [2]. The later
spy radio sets generally have names in the format SE 98/3, in which
'S' stands for Sender (transmitter) and 'E' stands for Empfänger
(receiver). The part before the '/' is a number that identifies the set.
These numbers were issued sequentially.
The part behind the '/' specifies the transmitter's output power in Watts.
Note that not all Abwehr spy radio sets were built in large quantities and that
some were no more than a circuit diagram that was given to the agent. In such
cases, the agent had to source the components locally in a foreign country,
and build the set from scratch.
As a result, many of the (sequentially numbered) designs are missing from the
above list.
Also note that some of the later Abwehr radios were also used by the Abwehr's
successors RSHA/VI F, RSHA/Amt Mil 2 and
and even after WWII by the Organisation Gehlen (OG)
and the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND).
The SE108/10 and the SE 100/11 are more or less identical.
RSHA = Reichssicherheidshauptamt. ➤ More
FHO = Oberkommando des Heeres / Fremde Heere Ost. ➤ More
SD = Sicherheitsdienst (security service). ➤ More
The S-87/20 was a 20 Watt transmitter for use
in fixed (head-end) Abwehr radio stations. It was also used
in temporary (mobile) stations.
The S-87/20 was commonly used with an existing receiver,
such as the Siemens R-IV,
the Radione R3 or the E-75.
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The S-90/40 was a 40 Watt transmitter for use
in fixed (head-end) Abwehr radio stations. It was also used
as part of a suitcase radio set.
The S-90/40 was commonly used with an existing receiver,
such as the Siemens R-IV,
the Radione R3 or the dedicated
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The SE 98/3 was a 3 Watt radio station, released by the
Abwehr in 1941. It consists
of a separate receiver and a small transmitter and is powered
by batteries that last for one full year.
The sets were supplied in a suitcase, or in the metal container
shown in the image on the right.
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The SE-109/3 was a complete radio station, housed in a tin box.
It was the last one released by the Abwehr
in 1943 and is also known as the Keksdose (biscuit tin).
It is powered by a battery pack or by an (optional) power supply unit.
The transmitter produces an output power of 3 Watts and the
sensitive receiver is built around three DF11 valves.
The set was also used after WWII by the
Organisation Gehlen (OG).
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The R-IV was an intercept receiver, developed during WWII by Siemens.
It was modelled after the pre-war R-II, that in turn was modelled after
the American HRO-5 receiver.
Its frequency dial is nearly identical to that
of the HRO-5.
The Siemens R-IV was commonly used in the intercept stations of the German
Security Service, the Abwehr.
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In the early 1960s, Wandel & Goltermann and Heinrich Pfitzner
developed the SP-15 spy radio set for use by the BND.
It consists of
a transmitter, receiver, power supply unit and many accessories.
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The SP-15 was succeeded around 1970 by the SP-20 that was jointly
developed by Heinrich Pfitzner and
AEG Telefunken.
It consists of a transmitter, antenna tuner, synthesizer
and the same receiver that was used with the SP-15.
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The FS-5000 was a fully digital pan-European spy radio system,
developed by AEG Telefunken
for nearly all West-European
Stay-Behind Organisations.
It was introduced in the late 1980s
and had built-in high-end encryption.
The FS-5000 is also known by its codename HARPOON.
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