← 600 Mils
Key Generator
- wanted item
The ME-600 was a random key generator that was developed by
Mils Elektronik in Mils (Austria) in the early
1990s, as the successor to the ME-800.
It was the first key generator from Mils that supported a wide variety of
media for key storage. In addition to punched paper tape, keys
could also be stored on floppy discs, paper (for the production
of real OTPs), memory cards, etc.
The rather poor quality photograph on the right is the only image of
an ME-600 machine that we have at the moment. The modular machine consists
of a tall 19" rack in which all units are housed. At the top are the floppy
disc drive and an EPROM socket. Immediately below the floppy drive are
the two supply reels with paper tape (yellow and blue). At the bottom are
the take-up reels. The section at the center contains the actual tape puncher
and a printer that stamps index numbers onto the tape.
In addition, an external CRT-based terminal and a dot-matrix printer were
added to the setup. The ME-600 was capable of creating truely random key
streams for:
Floppy disc
Paper tape
Paper (sheet)
At present we have no further information about this device.
Furthermore, we are still hoping to add it to our collection
in due course. If you have such a device or any related information,
and are willing to donate it to Crypto Museum, please
contact us.
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© Crypto Museum. Created: Friday 28 August 2015. Last changed: Saturday, 24 February 2018 - 13:34 CET.