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TEMPEST power supply unit for M-125 (Fialka)

BPK-125 (Russian: БПК-125), is a power supply unit (PSU), developed in the mid-1960s in the USSR especially for use with the M-125 (Fialka) cipher machine. It supercedes the standard BP-24 PSU, and offers counter measures agains the exploitation of unwanted emanations, known in the Western world as TEMPEST. In Russian, this phenomenon is known as PEMIN (ПЭМИН) 1 [1].

The device is housed in a grey hammer paint metal enclosure that measures 280 × 200 × 170 mm and weights 7.6 kg. When stowed, the front and rear panels are covered with a blank metal panel. At the right side is a hinged compartment in which the three mandatory cables are stowed.

The most important reason for choosing this PSU over the standard BP-24 is its TEMPEST feature. It prevents data from leaking out via the power lines. This is done in two ways: (1) by using five switchable dummy loads (one for each data bit) and (2) injecting noise into the 24V power line.

The device is suitable for all Fialka models (M-125, M-125M and M-125-3M). It replaces the less secure standard BP-24, but was not released in all countries. As far as we know, the BPK-125 was only issued in the USSR (Russia) and Poland. In the other countries, the BP-24 remained in use.

  1. ПЭМИН (PEMIN) is the abbreviation of ПОБОЧНЫЕ ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНЫЕ ИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ и НАВОДКИ, which means: Unwanted Electromagnetic Radiation and Interference.

The closed PSU with covers at the font and rear
The cables stored in a compartment at the right side
TEMPEST PSU with the front and rear covers taken off
The TEMPEST Fialka PSU (as used in Poland)
The 3 cables that are needed for a proper connection
The PSU placed to the left of the Fialka
The PSU placed to the right of the Fialka
Rear panel of the Fialka TEMPEST PSU
1 / 8
The closed PSU with covers at the font and rear
2 / 8
The cables stored in a compartment at the right side
3 / 8
TEMPEST PSU with the front and rear covers taken off
4 / 8
The TEMPEST Fialka PSU (as used in Poland)
5 / 8
The 3 cables that are needed for a proper connection
6 / 8
The PSU placed to the left of the Fialka
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The PSU placed to the right of the Fialka
8 / 8
Rear panel of the Fialka TEMPEST PSU

Front panel
All controls of the BPK-125 are at the front panel. The switch at the bottom left is used for selecting the correct mains voltage range and for switching the device on and off. A ring with an excentric disc protect this switch against setting it to the wrong voltage (more about this below).

Above the mains voltage selector is a 3-position primary voltage adjustment and - above that - the 10-position secondary voltage selector. Above this selector are the primary (3A) and secondary (5A) fuses. These are typical Russian fuses that may be a bit hard to obtain.

The section at the top is for checking the functions of the PSU. When the PSU is in use, the meter at the top center should read between 50 and 60. This indicates a nominal output voltage of 24V DC. The two КОНТРОЛЬ buttons are used for checking the currents and the TEMPEST feature. The STROBE light, to the right of the meter, is also for checking the TEMPEST feature (more below).

Rear panel
The receptacle for connection to the mains is at the front right of the PSU. All other connections are at the rear, where four further receptacles are present. The leftmost one (marked МАШИНА I) is the 24V output for Fialka. The rightmost one (marked МАШИНА II) is for connection to Fialka's data output. If Fialka is normally connected to a transmitter or telegraphy device, that device should now be connected to the center socket at the rear of the PSU marked ВЫХОД (output).

Although it may seem unnecessary, the data socket (marked МАШИНА II) must be connected, as otherwise the machine will not work. This is done to ensure the use of the TEMPEST feature. An extra 24V DC output socket is available at the bottom. This 2-pin socket can be used for connec­tion of an extra device, such as a work light. The pinout of the connectors is described below.

At the front panel of the BPK-125 are two indicators that can be used to ensure correct operation of the device: a meter with a range from 0 to 100, and a small indicator lamp to its right. Below these indicators are two push-buttons marked КОНТРОЛЬ I and КОНТРОЛЬ II, as shown here:
The table below shows the effect of pressing one of the push-buttons. When no button is pres­sed, the meter measures the raw 24V supply for which the reading should be between 50 and 60. If it is outside this range, the voltage selectors should be adjusted appropriately. In this situ­ation, the small indicator lamp will be off. For the following measurements, Fialka must be powered and running. While button I is pressed, the meter shows the level of the injec­ted noise (TEMPEST measure). Any reading between 40 and 90 is fine. While button II is pressed, the meter shows the voltage of the internal 18V supply that feeds the noise generator. It should be 80-90. If either measurement is out of range, the TEMPEST feature isn't working properly and requires repair.

No button24V supply50-60Off
КОНТРОЛЬ INoise level40-90 1Flashes at strobe + valid data
КОНТРОЛЬ II18V supply80-90 1Flashes at strobe
The lamp is used for checking the 5-bit data input. These are the lines from Fialka that are used by the BPK-125 to simulate solenoid activity (another TEMPEST measure). While button I is pres­sed, the lamp flashes when the strobe signal is active and at least one solenoid simulation circuit is activated. When all solenoids are fired (character Ю (11111)) the lamp stays off. While button II is pressed, the lamp flashes when the strobe signal is active, regard­less the state of the data bits.

 More about the TEMPEST measures

Fialka TEMPEST PSU front panel
Fialka TEMPEST PSU rear panel
Connecting a work-light to the rear of the PSU
1 / 3
Fialka TEMPEST PSU front panel
2 / 3
Fialka TEMPEST PSU rear panel
3 / 3
Connecting a work-light to the rear of the PSU

Typical setup of the BPK-125 power supply unit
To use the BPK-125 PSU in combination with the M-125 (Fialka), three cables are needed: (1) a mains power cable, (2) a 24V DC cable for feeding Fialka, and (3) an interconnection data cable. These cables can be stowed inside the cable storage compartment at the right side of the device.

The hinged lid to the cable compartment is held in place by two screws that can be loosened by hand or, if they are really tight, with the aid of a screw­driver. If the cables are present, it may be a bit difficult at first to get them out of the storage compartment as they may have become stiff.

Be carefull with these cables as they might have become fragile after all this time. Once you got them out of the storage compartment, it is probably best to leave them out and store them separately from the PSU from now on. This will protect the cables against too much bending.

For safety reasons, it is advised to thoroughly check the mains power cable before connecting it to the mains. As the cable is rather old, the insulation of the internal wires may have become brittle and might have to be replaced. Use the mains cable only if you are certain that it is safe.

The data cable is something truely special. It is a vital part of the TEMPEST feature of this PSU and allows the PSU to monitor the 5-bit data stream generated by the Fialka. One side of this cable holds a 10-way data connector that fits the digital data output at the right side of the Fialka.

A switch, that is mounted at the base of this plug, senses whether the plug is placed in the socket and activates a relay inside the PSU. This relay turns the 24V output of the PSU on. This is done to ensure that the cable is in place and that the mandatory TEMPEST measures are used.

At the other end of the data cable is a rather large circular plug that should be connected to the MACHINA II (МАШИНА II) socket at the rear of the PSU. If this cable is missing, it is advised to build a suitable alternative before continuing. The remaining cable simply connects the 24V DC output of the PSU to the 24V DC input at the left side of the Fialka.

The closed PSU with covers at the font and rear
Opening the cable compartment
The cables stored in a compartment at the right side
The cables stored in a compartment at the right side
The 3 cables that are needed for a proper connection
Mains AC cable
24V DC power cable for Fialka
Data cable
Mains AC power plug
24V DC connector for powering Fialka
Connecting the 24V DC supply to the Fialka
Data cable PSU-end
Data cable Fialka-end (note the small switch at the right)
The data cable connected to the data socket of the Fialka
The 24V relay that blocks the power output of the data cable is not present
The PSU placed to the left of the Fialka
1 / 16
The closed PSU with covers at the font and rear
2 / 16
Opening the cable compartment
3 / 16
The cables stored in a compartment at the right side
4 / 16
The cables stored in a compartment at the right side
5 / 16
The 3 cables that are needed for a proper connection
6 / 16
Mains AC cable
7 / 16
24V DC power cable for Fialka
8 / 16
Data cable
9 / 16
Mains AC power plug
10 / 16
24V DC connector for powering Fialka
11 / 16
Connecting the 24V DC supply to the Fialka
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Data cable PSU-end
13 / 16
Data cable Fialka-end (note the small switch at the right)
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The data cable connected to the data socket of the Fialka
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The 24V relay that blocks the power output of the data cable is not present
16 / 16
The PSU placed to the left of the Fialka

Using the PSU
The power supply unit (PSU) can be placed either to the left or to the right of the Fialka. It can also be placed behind the machine or on a shelf. The various cables should just be long enough for that. Before connec­ting the PSU to the Fialka, you first need to check the voltage settings on the device, and adjust them if necessary. First check the setting of the ВЫКЛ switch at the bottom left of the front panel and ensure that it matches your mains AC voltage: either 127V or 220V.

This switch can be altered by unscrewing the ring and rotating the excentric disc at the center by 180°. The centre setting of this switch turns the PSU off. For most European 230V networks, you should set this switch to 220V. If your mains voltage is slightly lower or higher, you may com­pen­sate for this by setting the toggle switch at the center to МЕНЬШЕ (less) or ВОЛЬЕ (more).

For 230V networks, which are common in Europe nowadays, this switch should be set to МЕНЬШЕ (less - i.e. the leftmost setting). It prevents the mains transformer from saturating (running hot).

Ensure that the PSU is switched OFF (ВЫКЛ set to the centre) and connect the Fialka to the two sockets at the rear of the PSU. A thin cable connects the PSU socket МАШИНА I to the 24V DC input at the left side of the Fialka. A thick cable connects PSU socket МАШИНА II to the data output at the right side of the Fialka. Ensure that the Fialka itself is switched off at this stage.

Now connect the PSU to the mains by supplying the mains AC voltage to the СЕТЬ socket at the front right and then turn the PSU on (leave Fialka off at this stage). Ensure that the meter at the top shows a reading between 50 and 60. If it is higher or lower, use the rotary switch at the centre to adjust the voltage. When it is within the required range, it is safe to turn the Fialka on. At this stage, the motor of the Fialka should start running. If it doesn't, there might be a problem such as a binding motor (grease dried up) or a blown fuse, either of the PSU or of the Fialka.

TEMPEST feature
The BPK-125 is protected against data leakage via the power lines, also known as side-channel leakage. This is known as the TEMPEST feature. In Russian it is known as PEMIN (ПЕМИН). It consists of two countermeasures:

  1. Ballast compensation
    Data (text) is processed by the Fialka cipher machine in 5-bit digital form. When printing text onto paper and/or punching characters into a paper tape, the digital data drives 5 solenoids. These solenoids control the stop-position of the print head, and determine which holes will be punched in the paper tape. Depending on the output character, be­tween 1 and 5 solenoids are fired, resulting in a variable current consumption that can be traced back to the mains power line. A potential eavesdropper could use these variations (in combination with other compromising emanations) to reconstruct the plaintext.

    This problem is solved by replacing the inactive solenoids by a series of dummy loads, also known as artificial loads. Each dummy load has exactly the same resistance as a solenoid, and therefore draws the same amount of current when it is activated. For example when the SPACE-character is printed (10001) only two solenoids are fired. The BPK-125 will then activate three dummy loads (01110) to ensure that the total current drawn by the system remains the same as if the Ю-character was printed (11111).

  2. Noise injection
    Although the above should theoretically be sufficient to ensure a constant current consumption, data might still leak out as a result of 'glitches' on the power lines. These glitches, also known as switching transients, occur when switching solenoids on and off. Although these gliches are usually very short, they can still be detected on power lines, up to several hundreds of meters from the source.

    Instead of filtering the glitches, the designers of the BPK-125 have choosen to mask them by injecting noise into the power line. Due to the random nature of noise, it is generally impossible to determine which pulse is a glitch and which is part of the injected noise.
Removing the ring from the mains voltage selector
Altering the setting of the voltage selector
Switching the PSU off
Switching the PSU on
Thin cable between PSU and Fialka
Tick cable between PSU and Fialka
Power cable connected to the mains input at the front of the PSU
Connecting the 24V DC supply to the Fialka
The data cable connected to the data socket of the Fialka
The meter at the top showing a reading between 50 and 60
Close-up of the controls and checks at the front panel
Checking the primary current
Checking the secondary current
Checking the primary fuse
The PSU placed to the left of the Fialka
The PSU placed to the right of the Fialka
1 / 16
Removing the ring from the mains voltage selector
2 / 16
Altering the setting of the voltage selector
3 / 16
Switching the PSU off
4 / 16
Switching the PSU on
5 / 16
Thin cable between PSU and Fialka
6 / 16
Tick cable between PSU and Fialka
7 / 16
Power cable connected to the mains input at the front of the PSU
8 / 16
Connecting the 24V DC supply to the Fialka
9 / 16
The data cable connected to the data socket of the Fialka
10 / 16
The meter at the top showing a reading between 50 and 60
11 / 16
Close-up of the controls and checks at the front panel
12 / 16
Checking the primary current
13 / 16
Checking the secondary current
14 / 16
Checking the primary fuse
15 / 16
The PSU placed to the left of the Fialka
16 / 16
The PSU placed to the right of the Fialka

Circuit diagram
Although most electronic parts of the BPK-125 are located on a single printed circuit board (PCB), the device is best described as a set of modules. Note that the device has the +24V rail connec­ted to ground, rather than the more common 0V rail. This is not reflected in the circuit diagrams below however. For clarity, the 0V rail is denoted by the common ground symbol , whilst the chassis is represented by the earth symbol . Furthermore, the current flow is from left to right.

The text and circuit diagrams below are largely based on the work of Bart Wessel [2]. As there is no circuit diagram of this device in the public domain, he had to trace each and every track of the PCB and follow each single wire, which is by no means trivial. As part of his research, he num­bered all components at the upper side of the PCB. In the circuit diagrams below, these numbers are prefixed with a hash symbol (e.g. #123). In addition, he numbered all contact points at the bottom of the PCB. In the circuit diagrams below, these numbers are shown in red (e.g. 18). Note that both types of number are only visible when placing the mouse pointer over the diagram.

 Component index (top side of PCB)
 Contact index (bottom side of PCB) 1

  1. Note that the image of the bottom side of the PCB is mirrored. This means that the tracks are shown as if they were viewed from the top of the PCB. This was done to make tracing of the PCB easier [2].

Block diagram
Below is a simplified circuit diagram of the BPK-125 power supply unit. At the left is the AC mains power inlet. At the right are the connections to the M-125 (Fialka) cipher machine (МАШИНА I and МАШИНА II). As the circuit of the device is rather complex, we have divided it into six func­tional blocks that are further des­cri­bed below: (1) 24V DC power supply, (2) ballast compensation circuit, (3) meter circuit, (4) regulated 18V supply, (5) noise generator and (6) relay control circuit.

Note the switch (S6) at the far right that is part of the interconnection cable. It must be closed before the device can be used. This is done by inserting the 10-pin plug of the interconnection cable into socket Ш4 at the right side of the M-125 (Fialka). Also note the difference between Ground (chassis) and the 0V rail. The latter represents the (-) side of the +24V power supply. In addition to this, there is a switched 0V rail (via Fialka) that is indicated by the symbol.

 Download the block diagram as PDF

24V supply
Below is the circuit diagram of the basic 24V power supply, which is of straightforward design. A conventional transformer converts the mains AC voltage into a much lower voltage, which is rectified in a bridge rectifier composed of four discrete diodes (V1-V4). The resulting voltage of approx. 24V DC is then smoothened by five 2000µF electrolytic capacitors (C4-C8).

There are two fuses: a 3A one in the primary circuit and a 5A one in the 0V rail of the secondary circuit. The output voltage is adjusted by means of three manually operated switches: (1) A safe­guarded switch (S1) that should be set to match the local AC mains voltage of either 127 or 220V AC. Note that this switch also acts as the master on/off switch. (2) A 3-position switch (S2) in the primary circuit for normal, less (МЕНЬШЕ) or more (БОЛЬШЕ) voltage (course). (3) An 8-position rotary switch (S3) to select a secondary tap of the transformer (TR1). This is the fine adjustment.

A meter (at the top of the front panel) indicates the secondary voltage and should be used to choose the correct settings for the above switches. The meter circuit is described separately.

 Download the 24V supply as PDF

Ballast compensation   TEMPEST measure 1
Below is the circuit diagram of the ballast compensation circuit. The Fialka data cable provides the BPK-125 with five data signals (positive pulses) and a strobe signal (negative pulse). For each of the five solenoids – used in Fialka to punch holes in the paper tape – the ballast circuit has a corresponding transistor with an artificial load that draws an equivalent current. When a solenoid in the Fialka is not fired for a particular character, the corresponding transistor in the BPK-125 activates the artificial load instead. This way, each punched character draws the same current.

Note that in order to simplify the circuit diagram, we have only shown the ballast circuit for one of the data bits. This is the area marked in purple. This circuit is replicated for each of the other bits, as indicated with purple stars . The transistors at the bottom handle the strobe signal. At the far right are two push buttons and a signal lamp. These are part of the meter circuit and allow checking of the strobe pulses in combination with data pulses (
), or just strobe pulses (

Processing of a data bit from Fialka (simplified example)

The simplified circuit diagram above shows how a single data bit is processed. To the left of the dashed line is the Fialka output circuit. Whenever a data bit is active the base of transistor T1 is driven low (negative logic) and T1 conducts. As a result, the solenoid is activated. This signal (positive pulse) is then fed to the BPK-125, where it drives the base of T2 high. As a result, the artificial load is not activated. Likewise, when the solenoid is not driven, the signal at the base of T2 is low, as a result of which it conducts and the artificial load is activated. The strobe circuit around T3 and T4, ensures that the artificial load can only be activated when a (negative) strobe pulse is present at the same time (details of the strobe circuit have been omitted for clarity).

 Download the ballast compensation circuit as PDF

18V supply
Below is the circuit diagram of the 18V power supply. It provides a regulated (stabilized) +18V DC for the noise generator (see below). It also supplies the raw +24V and a somewhat smoothened +22V to the noise injector. The +18V rail can be adjusted with a potentiometer (#71).

 Download the 18V supply as PDF

Noise generator   TEMPEST measure 2
Below is the circuit diagram of the noise generator. This elaborate circuit generates noise that is injected into the raw 24V rail, by means of a power transistor (V5) that draws between 0.5 and 1A from the same 24V rail. This is done to mask any residual fluctuation in the actual current drawn by Fialka, as far as this is not handled by the ballast compensation circuit. The circuit is powered by a regulated +18V supply (above), so that the noise generator is not affected by its own noise. Note that the 0V rail is switched via the on/off switch of Fialka, as indicated by the symbol.

The actual noise circuit consists of two parts: (1) a noise generator and (2) a noise injector. The noise generator is shown above. It comprises a noisy diode (#108) of which the signal is amplified in two high-gain amplifiers, filtered (TR2), further amplified, clipped and then buffered. The noise level can be adjusted with potentiometer (#70). The output is available at the right (57).

The noise from pin (57) is then fed to the noise injection circuit shown above. The final stage of this circuit consists of a power transistor (V5) plus two resistors (R1, R2) that are mounted on a heatsink at the rear of the BPK-125. It draws between 0.5 and 1 from the main 24V supply. The noise is in­jec­ted into the 24V rail via R1. The same signal is fed to the meter circuit via pin (2).

 Download the noise generator as PDF
 Download the noise injector as PDF

Note that, when Fialka is running, the injected noise can be heard through the motor, as if there is sand in the mechanism. This is perfectly normal and is an indication of correct operation of the noise masking feature. When the same Fialka is connected to the earlier BP-24 PSU, or when the noise generator of the BPK-125 is misaligned or broken, the motor appears to be running more smoothly.
Meter circuit
Below is the circuit diagram of the meter circuit. It is used to verify the correct operation of the BPK-125 and its TEMPEST features. By default, the meter shows the raw secondary voltage (24V). Two push buttons (КОНТРОЛЬ I and КОНТРОЛЬ II) allow mea­suring of the internal 18V regulated power supply (КОНТРОЛЬ II), and the noise level generated by the noise generator (КОНТРОЛЬ I). If one of these readings is not as indicated on the front panel, the noise generator is misaligned or broken. Note that a valid noise measurement is only possible when Fialka is running.

The circuit to the right of the dashed line is the actual meter circuit. The small lamp (La) is located to the right of the meter on the front panel of the BPK-125. When КОНТРОЛЬ I is depressed, it flashes when the strobe signal and one or more data bits are fired. No data means no flash. When КОНТРОЛЬ II is depressed, it flashes on each strobe signal, regardless of the presence of any data bits. The lower part of the circuit (S4a, S5a and La) are also shown in the circuit diagram of the ballast compensation circuit.

 Download the meter circuit as PDF

Relay control circuit
Below is the circuit diagram of the relay control circuit. The relay is activated as soon as the BPK-125 is powered up. This disconnects the 0V rail from the power output socket (МАШИНА I), so that the connected M-125 (Fialka) doesn't run. Only if the the dedicated interconnection cable is used to connect the BPK-125 to the Fialka (МАШИНА II), switch S6 (part of the cable) 1 will be closed. As a result, the relay is released and power will be applied to connector МАШИНА I.

Note that the above circuit diagram shows part of the ballast circuit (left). This is done to show how the relay is powered. The actual relay circuit is at the right, around transistor #65 (2T208M). To allow the relatively high current drawn by the Fialka, both contacts are used in parallel. The relay is mounted to the rear panel, behind the mains transformer, aside the power transistor.

 Download the relay control circuit as PDF

  1. The interconnection cable employs a small switch (S6) to detect that it has been plugged into the Fialka.

The interior of the BPK-125 can be accessed by removing the two side panels and the bottom panel. The side panels are held in place by two screws at either side. After removing the two screws, the side panel can be removed. The other side panel can be removed in the same way.

At the right side, the grey mains transformer is immediately visible. Below the transformer is an array of five capacitors that are connected in parallel. Some of the power transistors are mounted to the rear panel for sufficient cooling.

The other side holds a large brown pertinax 1 printed circuit board (PCB) with the electronic components. Apart from the 18V re­gu­lator, this board contains the two TEMPEST circuits. The dummy-load resistors are visible as an array of resistors at the top edge of the board. The actual TEMPEST circuits are scattered all over the PCB.

Also on this PCB is the STROBE sensing circuit that enables the TEMPEST circuit whenever the user presses a key on the Fialka keyboard. This circuit also drives the STROBE check light, to the right of the meter a the front panel. In some of the circuits, 2TC613 ICs are used [a]. Each of these ICs contains four transistors, They belong to one of the first generations of Russian ICs. Behind the transformer is a relay that switches the 24V output. It is activated by the data connector switch.

Opening the case
Removing the side covers from the PSU
TEMPEST PSU with its side panels removed
TEMPEST PSU interior seen from the right
PCB inside the PSU
PSU interior seen from the right
PSU circuit detail
Removing the PCB
Interior of the PSU with the PCB folded away
The 24V relay that blocks the power output of the data cable is not present
Dummy-load resistor array
The five dummy-load driver circuits
Close-up of the STROBE-sensing circuit
Russian IC on the PCB
Mains transformer
Capacitor array at the bottom of the PSU
1 / 16
Opening the case
2 / 16
Removing the side covers from the PSU
3 / 16
TEMPEST PSU with its side panels removed
4 / 16
TEMPEST PSU interior seen from the right
5 / 16
PCB inside the PSU
6 / 16
PSU interior seen from the right
7 / 16
PSU circuit detail
8 / 16
Removing the PCB
9 / 16
Interior of the PSU with the PCB folded away
10 / 16
The 24V relay that blocks the power output of the data cable is not present
11 / 16
Dummy-load resistor array
12 / 16
The five dummy-load driver circuits
13 / 16
Close-up of the STROBE-sensing circuit
14 / 16
Russian IC on the PCB
15 / 16
Mains transformer
16 / 16
Capacitor array at the bottom of the PSU

At the bottom right of the front panel is a 4-pin male connector to which the mains AC network (110 or 220V) should be connected. Below is the pinout when looking into the receptacle.

  1. Mains AC (1)
  2. Mains AC (2)
  3. GND
  4. not connected
    Mains power input - looking into 4-pin male chassis part
Data in   МАШИНА II
An important feature of the BPK-125 is the ability to suppress data leakage via the power line (TEMPEST). For this, it is necessary to connect the data output of the M-125 Fialka (Ш4) to the data input of the BPK-125. This is the circular 19 pin connector (plug) marked MACHINA II (МАШИНА II) at the rear of the device. Below is the pinout when looking into the connector.

  1. Data 1
  2. Data 2
  3. Data 3
  4. Data 4
  5. Data 5
  6. +24V in mode З (Cipher)
  7. unused
  8. 0V
  9. Strobe (pulse)
  10. +24V in mode О (Plain)
  11. not connected
  12. not connected
  13. not connected
  14. not connected
  15. not connected
  16. not connected
  17. not connected
  18. Switch (A)
  19. Switch (B)
    Data input (from Fialka) - looking into 19-pin male chassis part
Data cable
For connection between the data output of the M-125 (Fialka) and the BPK-125 power supply unit, a special cable is provided. This cable can be stowed in the side compartment of the PSU. One end of this cable has an (angular) circular 19-pin female connector that should be fitted to МАШИНА II on the BPK-125. The other end has a 10-pin data connector that should be connec­ted to socket Ш4 at the right side of the M-125. Without this cable, the PSU cannot be used.

The diagram above shows how the data cable is wired. All pins of the 10-pin data connector are wired to pin 1-10 of the circular connector. A momentary switch, that is embedded in the base of the 10-pin data connector, is wired to pins 18 and 19 of the circular connector. The switch will be closed when the data connector is fully seated in the data output (Ш4) of the M-125 (Fialka).

Data out   выход
At the centre of the rear panel of the BPK-125 is a 10-pin socket marked ВЫХОД, on which the data output of the connected Fialka is available. This socket is wired in parallel to the 19-pin circular connector, and has the same pinout as the data output socket (Ш4) on the Fialka. It can be used for the connection of a transmission device, such as the P-590A (П-590А) interface.

  1. Data 1 (s1)
  2. Data 2 (s2)
  3. Data 3 (s3)
  4. Data 4 (s4)
  5. Data 5 (s5)
  6. +24V in mode З (Cipher)
  7. not connected
  8. 0V
  9. Strobe (pulse)
  10. +24V in mode О (Plain)
    Data out - looking into 10-pin female chassis part
  1. 2TC613 (KTC613), Datasheet
    Retrieved July 2006.
  1. The Fialka M-125 Reference Manual
    Crypto Museum, Paul Reuvers and Marc Simons.
    ISBN 978-90-79991-01-3. First issued 2005.

  2. Component index (top side of PCB)
    Bart Wessel, 2016.

  3. Contact index (bottom side of PCB)
    Bart Wessel, 2016.
  1. Encryption machines of the USSR 1931-1991 (Russian)
    Prizma Blog 18 November 2020. Visited 12 March 2022.
    Via WayBack Machine (12 December 2024).

  2. Bart Wessel, BPK-125 circuit diagram and analysis
    Crypto Museum, 2016.
  • Klaus Kopacs
  • Paul Reuvers
  • Marc Simons
  • Bart Wessel
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