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Electromechanical teletypewriter · 1958 - this page is a stub

T-100 was an electromechanical desktop teletypewriter (teleprinter, telex), introduced in 1958 by Siemens in München (Germany) as the successor to the aging T-37. It was available in a variety of enclosures and is by far the most successful teletypewriter ever made by Siemens. It was used on the worldwide TELEX network, but also as a terminal for a number of cipher machines and for the first generation of computers. It was succeeded in 1976 by the largely electronic T-1000 [1].


Cipher machines used with the T-100
Siemens Schlüsselgerät D (one-time tape cipher machine)
Siemens M-190 one-time tape cipher machine (mixer)
TAROLEX key stream generator
Ecolex X (Ecolex 10) online/offline cipher machine
  1. 100 baud is possible after replacing an internal cogwheel.

  1. Teleprinter 100 - Operating Instructions (English)
    Fs Wa 2186/1 FU engl. Siemens, March 1965.

  2. Model 100 Teleprinter, Description (English)
    General description with photographs and drawings.
    Siemens, May 1973.

  3. Fernschreiber 100 - Beschreibung (German)
    Bs T App 100 BY. Siemens, December 1964.

  4. Verreschrijftoestel TT-4230/TT-4231 - Technische Handleiding (Dutch)
    3/5 TH11-511/1. Koninklijke Landmacht, 21 December 1972.

  5. Hulpvoedingsapparaat voor het testen van verreschrijvers (Dutch)
    Additional power supply unit for testing teletypewriters.
    JPA Lamb, RVO-TNO, January 1970. CONFIDENTIAL.

  6. Tgf 1092a - Bladschrijver T typ 100 c - Introductie
    T-100c Introduction (Dutch).
    PTT, May 1972. CM303985/A.

  7. Tgf 1092b - Bladschrijver T typ 100 c - Afbeeldingen
    Images belonging to Tgf 1092a (Dutch).
    PTT, May 1972. CM303985/B.
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