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Versatile teleprinter test device

PGFS-020 1 is a versatile test device for teletypewriters (teleprinters) and telegraphy networks, developed around 1978 by Standard Elektrik Lorenz (SEL) in Stuttgart (Germany). 2 It was also sold by Siemens in München. It can simulate TW39 single- and double-current lines, as well as ED1000 tone modulated lines (FSK) with all tone fre­quency combinations, in both simplex and duplex modes. It can also generate various test sequences. The PGFS-020-3 also supports V.21.

The device is extremely compact for the many functions and features it offers. It measures 230 × 222 × 92 mm (without the carrying handle) and weights slightly over 3.5 kg. It is powered from the 110/220V AC mains, and simulates a teleprinter exchange (telex). A teleprinter can be connected to the ADo8 socket 3 or to the V.24 socket at the bottom edge of the front panel.

All functions and features are available from the front panel, in the form of toggle switches and LEDs. It can even display the number dialled from a teleprinter connection device (TCD).

Note that this device is entirely built with discrete logic. It does not have a microcontroller. The PGFS 020-2 was developed around 1978 by Siemens or SEL, initially probably for internal use. It was followed in 1982 by the PGFS 020-3, which offers additional support for V.21 FSK tones. The devices were built in small quantities, for use in repair workshops and by approval authorities. It was sold worldwide, as illustrated by the fact that the manual is available in four languages [A].

  1. PGFS is the abbreviation of Prüf-Gerät für Fern-Schreiber (test device for teleprinter).
  2. It is unclear whether the device was developed by Siemens or by SEL. There are no markings on or inside the device or the documentation, that allowed us to identify the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).
  3. Teleprinters with a different connector (e.g. a Walzenstecker) can be connected to the ADo8 socket by means of a suitable adapter cable.

Fernschreiber Prüfgerät PGFS 020-3
Fernschreiber Prüfgerät PGFS 020-3
Rear view
Rear view
Front panel
Rear panel
Line cable
1 / 7
Fernschreiber Prüfgerät PGFS 020-3
2 / 7
Fernschreiber Prüfgerät PGFS 020-3
3 / 7
Rear view
4 / 7
Rear view
5 / 7
Front panel
6 / 7
Rear panel
7 / 7
Line cable

The image below shows the front panel of the PGFS 020-3. At the right is an ADo8 socket for connection of the teleprinter under test (DUT). For teleprinters with a different connector (e.g. a Walzenstecker), a suitable adapter cable should be used. The the left of this socket are eight coloured test terminals, which are connected in parallel to the pins of the ADo8 socket.

At the rear are the remaining connections plus two switches. The receptacle at the center is used for connection to the mains. It accepts a Euro-standard power cable. The LEDs at the left edge of the front panel will show the selected mains voltage and frequency. NOTE — Ensure that the TEXT switch at the front panel is in the middle position before connecting the device to the mains.

At the left is a power outlet (similar to a wall outlet) for powering the Device Under Test (DUT), under control of the power switch to its right. The 5-way 240° DIN socket at the right, allows the device to be connected directly to a teleprinter line. In that case, the device is inserted between the line and the teleprinter. When the switch LINE at the front panel is set to the upper position, the teleprinter is connected directly to the line via a 22Ω resistor. The toggle switch in the upper right corner (fA), can be used to invert the mark/space tones of the FSK signal (ED1000 or V.21), regardless the setting of the fA/fZ switch at the front panel.

Standard selection
  1. ED1000
    FSK tones 500/700 Hz and 2250/3150 Hz
  2. V.21
    980/1180 Hz and 1650/1850 Hz (PGFS 020-3 only)
  3. TW39
    Current-based telegraphy
When the standard selection switch is set to (1) or (2), The transmitted tones (i.e. the tones sent to the teleprinter) can be inverted with the fA switch at the rear without altering the setting of the fA/fZ switch at the front. This works in ED1000 and V.21 modes:

  1. f1
    Regular tones
  2. f2
    Inverted tones
    Setting of the fA switch at the rear (ED1000 and V.21 mode)
When in ED1000 or V.21 mode (standard selection set to 1 or 2), the FSK tones can be made audible by enabling the speaker (LSP). This also works when connected to the line.

  1. ON
    Speaker on
  2. -
    Speaker off
V.24 interface
At the lower edge of the front panel is a 25-way DB25 socket that can be used for connection of a V.24 compatible teleprinter such as the Siemens PT80. This switch has three settings:

  1. V24
    TX data is looped to RX data
  2. -
  3. -
    TX data is displayed on the meter

The device consists of four main building blocks:

1.Main boardGRUND 562PSU, relays, logic
2.Mains sensingNEKON 563Auto-selection of mains voltage
3.Tone/UART boardFREQ+KEN 564Tone decoder, identifier, character generator, UART
4.V.21 boardEDS-S 786ED1000/V21 frequency selection
The main board is the largest PCB (GRUND 562). It is fitted at the bottom of the device and holds the power supply unit (PSU), the control logic and six large socketed relays. One transformer is fitted to the board, whilst a second one is mounted to the right side panel of the enclosure. Fitted on top of the main board – right at the centre – is a smaller board (NEKON 563) that holds the mains power analysis circuit. It is responsible for auto-selection of the mains voltage (110/220V).

At the top of the device is the Tone/UART board (FREQ+KEN 564). It holds the FSK tone decoders, two character generators (PROMs, one for 5-bit and one for 8-bit), the identifier (call-sign gene­rator) and the UART for the V.24 interface. It also holds discrete logic for driving the character ge­ne­rators and the V.24 interface (RS232). Note that this device does not have a microcontroller.

Interor - bottom side
Interor - bottom side
Interior - top view
Interior - front panel and lower PCB
Interior - front panel
Speaker and centre board
Interior with FREQ+KEN 264 board partly removed
1 / 8
Interor - bottom side
2 / 8
Interor - bottom side
3 / 8
Interior - top view
4 / 8
Interior - front panel and lower PCB
5 / 8
Interior - front panel
6 / 8
Speaker and centre board
7 / 8
Interior with FREQ+KEN 264 board partly removed
8 / 8

When we received the PGFS-020-3 featured here, it was bascially in working order. However, the SEND/REC switch at the front panel was broken, and five minutes after turning the device ON, it tripped the earth leakage circuit breaker, ending the excercise in a big bang: mains filter blown.

There were also some smaller problems. The mains power indicator was loose and was about to disappear into the device's interior. In addi­tion, the scale of the current meter had come off at one end and blocked the instrument's needle.

It was decided to fix the smaller issues first. As this required the front panel to be removed, we also removed the top and bottom panels so that we could inspect the interior. Whilst at it, we also took off the side panels, so that the carrying handle could be removed. It was seriously mal­formed and was considered an annoying feature.

Although the handle allows the device to be carried easily, it is difficult to adjust and can only be used properly in one position, with the surplus ends of the handle sticking out. As the device will become a standard tool in our workshop, we tought we would be better off without the handle.

With the handle out of the way, we took care of the upper left corner of the front panel, shown from the inside in the image on the right. The SEND/REC switch is a double-pole double-throw (DPDT) switch, mounted just below the meter. As it is screwed into a treaded hole in the front panel, it required the meter to be removed first.

This gave us a chance to take the meter apart and glue the scale back in place. The switch was replaced by a new one, and the meter was re­fit­ted. Furthermore, the power LED was re­sea­ted and its holder was fixated with a drop of glue.

Next, we addressed the more serious problem of the exploded mains filter. Although it came with a loud bang accompanied by nasty smelling smoke that lasted for hours, it didn't come as a sur­prise. Mains filters of all sorts have a limited life expectancy, due to ageing of their capacitors.

Over time, small scracks appear in the sealing of the capacitors or in the filter's enclosure, as a result of which moisture can enter the body.

Luckily, it is not as bad as it seems and can easily be fixed by replacing the filter. Sadly though, there is no modern alternative with the same form factor that will fit the limited space of the densely populated interior of the PGFS 020. Although it is possible to leave the filter out and bypass it with two wires, this is not recommen­ded. The filter protects the circuitry and the out­side world against interferences and transients.

The problem was solved by replacing the mains power receptacle by a version with a built-in mains filter and fixed wiring. Although it is larger than the original one, we managed to fit it in the existing space. For this, the hole in the rear panel had to be enlarged by 1 mm and part of the mains wiring had to be reorganised. Whilst doing this, we noticed that the green loudspeaker wire was too short, as a result of which the Tone/UART board could not be tilted down completely. To avoid breaking the wire and to make future repairs more comfortable, we extended the length of this wire. Finally, the unit was reassembled and fully tested. It is now fully operational again.

  • Carrying handle bended and uncomfortable
  • SEND/REC switch broken (mechanically)
  • Meter scale loose (blocks the needle)
  • Mains LED loose (dissappears into the case)
  • Mains filter broken (exploded)
  • Speaker wire too short
  • Carrying handle removed
  • SEND/REC switch replaced
  • Meter scale fixated
  • Mains LED fixated
  • Speaker wiring extended
  • Mains power socket replaced by version with embedded filter and fixed wiring
State in which the FGFS-020 was received
Broken SEND/REC switch
Broken switch
Broken switch
SEND/REC switch replaced
Meter with loose scale
Exploded  mains filter
Existing mains power socket deeply embedded in the limited space between thick wires
Interior with FREQ+KEN 264 board partly removed
Original mains receptacle (left) aside replacement with built-in filter and fixed wiring (right)
Replacement mains receptacle aside original one
Replacement mains socket installed in the available space
Rear view
1 / 13
State in which the FGFS-020 was received
2 / 13
Broken SEND/REC switch
3 / 13
Broken switch
4 / 13
Broken switch
5 / 13
SEND/REC switch replaced
6 / 13
Meter with loose scale
7 / 13
Exploded  mains filter
8 / 13
Existing mains power socket deeply embedded in the limited space between thick wires
9 / 13
Interior with FREQ+KEN 264 board partly removed
10 / 13
Original mains receptacle (left) aside replacement with built-in filter and fixed wiring (right)
11 / 13
Replacement mains receptacle aside original one
12 / 13
Replacement mains socket installed in the available space
13 / 13
Rear view

At the right of the front panel is an ADo8 socket for connection of the teleprinter-under-test. It is wired in the same way as a regular subscriber wall socket, with pins 1-4 are wired as per telex standard. The bridge between pins 5 and 6 (optionally present in the wall socket) is uder control of switch (5 6 ON) at the front panel. A modern teleprinter uses it to sense that it is connected. Below is the pinout of the when looking into the receptacle.  More about the ADo8 socket

  1. a1
    TX a
  2. b1
    TX b
  3. a2
    RX a
  4. b2
    RX b
  5. s
    Shorting bridge to 6 1
  6. s
    Shorting bridge to 5 1
  7. n.c.
  8. n.c.
    Pinout when looking into an ADo8 socket
  1. This is a bridge inside the socket (not the plug).

V.24 serial port
At the lower edge of the front panel is a 25-way socket marked V.24. It is intended for connec­tion of a teleprinter that supports the V.24 interface, such as the Siemens PT80. It is basically a partly implemented RS232 interface. Below is the pin-out when looking into the socket. Note that only 8 pins are used. Pins 3, 8 and 20 are interconnected by means of straps inside the device. Pins 4 and 5 are both pulled high via a 1k resistor to +12V.  More about V.24 (RS232)

2.RXfrom teleprinter to PGFS 020)
3.TX(from PGFS 020 to teleprinter)
4.CTS(+12V via 1k)
5.RTS(+12V via 1k)
6.DTR x  
8.DCD x  
20.DSR x  
  1. The pins marked 'x' (6, 8 and 20) are interconnected.

Subscriber line
At the rear panel is a 5-pin 240° DIN socket for connection of the subscriber line. The device was supplied with a cable that fitted this socket. The other end of the cable terminated in an ADo8 plug. The subscriber line can be connected to the teleprinter (i.e. the DUT) by setting the LINE switch at the front panel to ON. Below is the pinout when looking into the LINE receptacle.

  1. a1
    TX a
  2. b1
    TX b
  3. a2
    RX a
  4. b2
    RX b
  5. -
  • Device
    Teleprinter test device
  • Purpose
    Teleprinter testing and fault-finding
  • Model
  • Manufacturer
  • Reseller
    Siemens, SEL
  • Country
  • Years
  • Standards
    TW39 (single/double current), ED1000 (FSK), V.21 (FSK)
  • Interfaces
    ADo8 (teleprinter), Line, V.24
  • Power
    93.5-240V AC 50/60 Hz (auto-ranging)
  • Consumption
    10-80W (depending on mains voltage), 12W nominal
  • Dimensions
    92 × 265 × 246 mm (HWD)
    92 × 222 × 230 mm (without carrying handle)
  • Weight
    3550 g
Line interfaces
  • TW39
  • T-interface CCITT System A + B
  • Single-current 60V/40-60mA
  • Double-current 60-0-60V/20mA
  • 2-wire or 4-wire
  • ED1000 FSK
  • V.21 FSK (PGFS 020-3 only)
  • V.24 interface
  • Half-duplex, duplex
  • Leased lines
  • Dialup lines
Tone modulation   FSK
  • ED1000
    500/700 Hz and 2250/3150 Hz
  • V.21
    980/1180 Hz and 1650/1850 Hz (PGFS 020-3 only)
 PGFS 020-2V22199-Z-C4711978Generic teleprinter tester, V.24
 PGFS 020-3V22199-Z-C5741982Same as version (2) but with V.21
  • TW39 standard: high-level single-current 60V/40mA (TW)( )
  • ED1000 standard: low-level frequency modulation
  • TX/RX frequencies of the DUT in ED1000 mode
  • Exchange simulation (line polarity switch)
  • Connecting teleprinter directly to telex line
  • Current measuring through teleprinter (SEND/REC switch)
  • Half-duplex 2-wire connection (H-DUPL.)
  • Duplex 4-wire connection (DUPL. or DUPL.TR)
  • V.24 low-level interface (V24 on)
  • Double current connection, 60-0-60V/20mA ( )
  • Adjustable baudrate (50, 75, 100, 200, 300 baud)
  • 5-bit (CCITT N2. 2, ITA-2) or 8-bit (ASCII, ITA-5)
  • Parity check on/off, odd/even (internal straps)
  1. AY-5-1013A UART
    General Instruments. Undated.
  1. English user manual
    Tester for Teleprinters PGFS 020-2, PGFS 020-3.
    Siemens, May 1982.

  2. German user manual
    Prüfgerät für Fernschreiber PGFS 020-2, PGFS 020-3.
    Siemens, May 1982.

  3. French user manual
    Appareil de test pour téléimprimeurs PGFS 020-2, PGFS 020-3.
    Siemens, May 1982.

  4. Spanish user manual
    Comprobador de teleimpresor PGFS 020-2, PGFS 020-3.
    Siemens, May 1982.

  5. PGFS 020-2, PGFS 020-3, Circuit Diagrams
    Siemens, May 1982.

  6. German user manual by SEL
    Prüfgerät für Fernschreiber PGFS 020-2.
    SEL, October 1978 [1].

  7. German user manual by SEL 1
    Prüfgerät für Fernschreiber PGFS 020-2, PGFS 020-3.
    SEL, June 1985. Incomplete [2].
  1. This manual was published by SEL in June 1985 and appears to be the same as the Siemens manual from May 1982 [B]. The available copy contains the German text only, and no circuit diagrams.

  1. Heinz Blumberg, PGFS 020-3 — THANKS !
    Crypto Museum, January 2025.

  2. SEL, PGFS 020-2-3 Bedienungsanleitung Visited 5 January 2025.
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