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Norsk Elektronisk Radio Aparatur

Norsk Elektronisk Radio Aparatur (Norwegian Electronic Radio Equipment), abbreviated NERA, is a former Norwegian developer of telecommunications equipment for transmission via radio, line and satellite, founded on 11 January 1947 in Bergen (Norway) from the wartime remains of Telefunken Norway. 1 It had strong ties to the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) which was co-located, and had a branch in Oslo. NERA Networks AS was sold in 2011 to Ceragon.

The company was established shortly after World War II (WWII) and was initially populated by engineers and scientists who had worked in the electronics industry in the UK during the war, and had just returned to Norway. NERA manufactured a wide range of electronic equipment, including radar devices, domestic radio and television sets, radio telephones and devices for satellite communication. It is little known however that the company also made covert listening devices (bugs) for use by NATO countries. Some of this clandestine equipment is featured below.

  1. Telefunken Norway was originally established in 1919 as Det norske Radioaktieselskab, but changed its name to Norsk Telefunken AS in 1924. During WWII, Telefunken supplied radar to the German occupant.

NERA equipment on this website
Resonant cavity microphone
Company names
    Founded 11 January 1947
  • NERA Bergen AS
    Founded 19 December 1951
  • NERA Networks AS
    Transmission systems, radio links equipment, antenna systems and turnkey telecommunication networks. Previously a subsidary of Eltek in Bergen (Norway). Taken over in 2011 by Ceragon.

  • NERA SatCom AS
    Satellite communication equipment for global data and voice, at land, sea and air. In 2007 sold to Thrane and Thrane, which was later taken over by Cobham.

  • NERA Telecommunications Ltd
    Wireless broadband access, infrastructure, payment solutions and broadcasting. Independent subsidary that was never sold. Still in business and listed on the Singapore stock exchange as NeraTel.  Website
NERA Museum
To commemorate the long history of NERA and the many different types of equipment that were developed and produced over the years, former NERA personnel have established the NERA Museum, which is located in the former F-16 room at Ceragon, the company who took over the remains of NERA in the beginning of 2011.  Website

  1. Wikipedia, Nera (company)
    Visited 28 March 2023.
     Norwegian version

  2. NERA Museum website
    Visited 28 March 2023.

  3. Wikipedia, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
    Visited 28 March 2023.
Further information
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© Crypto Museum. Created: Tuesday 28 March 2023. Last changed: Tuesday, 02 January 2024 - 14:24 CET.
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