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Siemens & Halse

Like many other European electronics companies, the German multinational Siemens developed a number of cipher machines over the years. The most famous one is probably the T-52, also known as the Geheimschreiber, that was used by German High Command during WWII. After the war, Siemens developed a series of mixer-machines based on the Vernam principle.

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Siemens cipher machines on this website
The Siemens T-52 'Geheimschreiber'
The Siemens T-43 'Sägefisch' mixer machine
Siemens Schlüsselgerät D (Dora) -- one-time tape cipher machine
Siemens M-190 one-time tape cipher machine (mixer)
T-1000CA, the Siemens version of the Philips Aroflex (UA-8116)
The Siemens MSC-2001 voice encryption unit
Siemens Crypset 100 PSTN crypto phone
The Siemens DSM Voice telephone encryptor
The Siemens T-1285CA (Aroflex) cipher machine
Siemens CTE-020 Remote Digital Engineering Order-Wire Terminal
Elcrovox 1-3 voice encryptor
Elcrovox 1-4D narrow band voice and data terminal (STU-II compatible)
ELCROTEL 5 telegraphy encryptor
Elcrodat 4-1 CROSS FOX communication system, Signal Conversion Unit (SCU)
Elcrobit 96 data encryption device
Elcrobit 3-2 data encryption device
ANT/Siemens/R&S DS-102 key tape reader
ANT/Siemens/R&S DS-102 key transfer device
Siemens Key Gun
Hand-held consumer communication terminal with crypto facilities
T-52 Geheimschreiber
The T-52 was one of the strongest cipher machines used by the Germans during WWII. Is is based on the Vernam principle, whereby the digital 5-bit code of a teletype is mixed with a 5-bit random number. The random number generator, however, is built-in and is based on mechanical wheels, notches and pins.

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T-43 mixer machine
The T-43 was probably the first machine in the mixer class. It mixes clear text with the characters from a random key tape, using XOR operations.

The T-43 was introduced relatively late in the war (1944) and only a small quantity was ever built. The machines were captured by the Allies, along with a number of German crypto-experts.

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Schüsselgerät D
Schlüsselgerät D (cipher machine D) was a compact one-time tape (OTT) cipher machine, also known as a mixer, that was introduced in 1959. It is based on the same principle as the earlier T-43 and is the predecessor of the M190.

The machine has a Siemens T.send.77f double tape reader at the front. The control logic inside the machine is built with electric relays.

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M-190 mixer machine
The M-190 is one of the last mixer machines that used 5-level paper tape for the random key tape and the plaintext tape. It is an extremely well-built machine that was often used in combination with a Siemens T-100 teleprinter.

From 1980 onwards the M-190 was used on the Washington-Moscow Hotline as replacement for the ageing ETCRRM cipher machine.

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Military voice encryption unit with room for 8 different crypto keys. Intended for use with the AN/PRC-77 radio. Provides a high level of security on narrow band FM radio channels.

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Crypset 100
In the early 1990s, Siemens entered the secure phone market by selling this rebadged Philips PNVX crypto phone. It features symmetric key encryption, using a smart card for identification and key exchange. Except for its colour, it is identical to the PNVX.

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DSM Voice
The DSM Voice was a telephone encryptor was developed around 1996. It was connected between the phone and the network and used a smart card for authentication. The card is also used for public key exchange.

MRCELP vododer technology is used to provide good quality speech in encrypted mode.

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In the 1980s, Siemens sold this rebatched Philips Aroflex cipher machine on the German market, as the Siemens T-1000CA. It is basically a Siemens T-1000 teleprinter with the Philips Aroflex (UA-8116) unit mounted at its underside.

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In the early 1990s, Siemens developed the T-1285CA in close colaboration with Philips Crypto in The Netherlands. Although it was a feature-packed machine, it hit the marked too late and was never taken into mass production.

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Elcrovox 1/4
Elcrovox 1/4 is a secure voice terminal that features the secret SAVILLE encryption algorithm and is backwards compatible with the American STU-II (KY-71) and the Dutch Spendex 40.

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The CTE-020 was a secure military digital EUROCOM-standard phone, that was developed by Siemens in Munich (Germany) in the early 1990s under contract for the German Airforce.

It was intended as a Remote Digital Engineering Order-Wire (EOW) Terminal as part of the Airforce's digital network, in places where the EOW terminal is remote from the transmission equipment. With optional crypto module.

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  1. Siemens AG, Encryption Equipments from Siemens
    Company brochure, 6 pages. 1991.
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