Data NL Philips Ecolex 20 → ← Tarolex
Offline/Online cipher machine
Excolex X – also Ecolex 10 – is an online cipher machine for
synchronous data links, developed between 1965 and 1972 by
Philips Usfa in Eindhoven (Netherlands) as the
successor to Ecolex IV and Tarolex.
The device was intended for use by the Dutch armed forces and
was (partly) based on earlier TROL and Tarolex
developments. It is also known as UA 8040 and as KL/TGA-3572.
Rather than using One-Time Tapes (OTT)
like its predecessor the Ecolex IV,
the Ecolex X uses a built-in key stream generator.
This was done to overcome the typical key-tape distribution problems
of mixer class cipher machines (OTT).
The machine is housed in a heav metal 19" rackmount enclosure.
In vehicles it was typically placed in the shock-mount carrier shown
in the image on the right. At the front is a lockable shielded door
behind with the controls and the 36 key-setting thumbwheels are located.
They allow the selection of 1036 (2120) different keys.
The key stream generator inside Ecolex-X was based (in part) on the earlier
TROL project. TROL was developed for a NATO evaluation,
but was never taken into production as the evaluation was lost
to the British ALVIS (BID 610).
Development of Ecolex-X took from 1965 to 1972 and faced many hurdles.
The machine was initially built with ELCOMA standard hybrids
(mini circuits),
but was later redesigned with flat-pack ICs, causing
significant changes to the construction [2].
Development was delayed several times, due to a delayed order, ambiguous
specifications and TEMPEST problems.
Finally, after a series of additional
developments and modifications, the machine was rolled out.
In total 388 machines were built, of which the majority went to the Dutch Army.
A small number of machines were delivered to the
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs [2].
Production version
The above Ecolex-X machine has serial number 005 and belongs to the very
first prototype series delivered to the Dutch Army for testing.
It is designated UA-8040/00.
The initial machines were based on ELCOMA standard hybrids (mini circuits),
but at some point the unit was completely redesigned with flat-pack ICs
that had just become available.
At the same time, the complete construction of the machine was changed
significantly [2].
The new model was called UA-8040/02.
The image on the right shows the UA-8040/02 version of the Ecolex-X.
It has serial number 333 and shows a number of differences with the
prototype above.
The lock of the heavy TEMPEST door has been mechanically improved.
The key is now used to unlock a spring-loaded lever that in turn is used
to open the door.
The layout of the controls behind the door has also been changed.
The test and control switches are no longer located to the left of the
thumbwheel switches, but below them.
The images below were taken in 2011 at the Military Communications Museum
of Mathieu Driessen (ON8PO) in Belgium. The Ecolex X is mounted inside an
HF/VHF radio shelter, which is fitted
on the back of a DAF truck [4]. The machine is located in the top left corner
of the shelter.
Ecolex X was suitable for off-line and on-line use, via telephone lines as
well as over radio. When used on-line, the internal key generator would
generate a continuous key stream, even when the operator was not typing any
text, making it impossible for an interceptor to determine the start
and end (and hence the length) of a message.
This is known as Traffic Flow Security (TFS).
When used off-line, a separate
(Siemens-based) tape reader would be used to feed data to Ecolex X.
The image on the right shows a small signals van, that was used for many
years by the Royal Dutch Army. Inside the van is a desk with a standard
Siemens T-100 teletypewriter
at the center. To the right of the teletype
is a Philips RT-3600 radio set.
To the left of the teletype is the Siemens tape reader that was used to
feed data to the Ecolex X.
The Ecolex X itself is hidden under the desk at the left.
A suitable line-interface is mounted in the top left.
The image was taken at the Royal Dutch Signals Museum in 2009 [3].
As Ecolex X was used by the Dutch Army and was also approved for use by NATO,
it had to comply with the most stringent military specifications.
This included testing the device under severe 'wet' conditions.
The image on the right shows a production Ecolex X machine undergoing a soak test.
The picture was taken at the production facility in Eindhoven in the
early 1970s [1].
A close-up of the wet Ecolex X is available below.
For connection of the Ecolex X to a telecom line or to a radio, the
teleprinter connection device (TCD)
shown in the image on the right was used.
The local teleprinter was connected – via the Ecolex X – to this
device, in 4-wire configuration. The device was then connected, also in
4-wire configuration, to the radio.
➤ More information
Whilst development of the Ecolex X took a rather long time, it was decided
that a separate key stream generator would be developed as a gap-fill
solution. In 1966/67, the so-called Tarolex 19" was developed
for use with a modified Ecolex IV machine. Like the
Ecolex X, Tarolex was based on the earlier
TROL developments.
Approx. 150 Tarolex units were
delivered to the Dutch Army and an equal number of existing
Ecolex IV machines was modified for them
➤ More about Tarolex
Following the success of the Ecolex X, Philips developed its successor -
Ecolex 20 (note the use of Arabic numerals) -
in the mid-1980s. Although the Ecolex 20 design was completed
and was even listed in Jane's Military Communications of 1986, it was never
taken into full production.
It did not meet the requirements of the era and development of the all-new
ZODIAC integrated communication
system was well underway.
➤ More information
Device Self-permuting cipher machine Purpose Secure online military telegraphy with traffic flow security Name Ecolex X Model UA-8040 Designator KL/TGA-3572 Manufacturer Philips Usfa Country Netherlands Year 1972 Predecessor Ecolex IV, Tarolex Keys 1036 (~ 2120) Dimensions ? Weight ? Quantity 388
- List of items for KL/TGA-3572 (Dutch)
CM-300672. Dutch Army, 1 February 1973.
- IK11-519/3, Instruction card 3 (Dutch)
Describes connection of the TH-3676 to 2- or 4-wire line.
CM-300667. Dutch Army, 27 September 1976.
- IK11-519/4, Instruction card 4 (Dutch)
Describes connection of the TH-3676 to an SSB radio.
CM-300668. Dutch Army, 9 April 1979.
- Ecolex-X Technical Manual 1/2 (Dutch)
Technische handleiding vercijfer- ontcijferuitrusting KL-TGA-3572.
1e en 2e echelons bediening en onderhoud.
CM-300669. 1/2TH11-959. Dutch Army, 26 January 1973.
- Ecolex-X Technical Manual 3 (Dutch)
Vercijfer- en ontcijferuitrusting KL/TGA-3572.
3e echelons technische beschrijving en onderhoud.
CM-303238. 3TH11-959. Dutch Army, 12 September 1973.
- Ecolex-X Technical Manual 4/5 Wiring Diagrams (Dutch)
Vercijfer- en ontcijferuitrusting KL/TGA-3572.
4e en 5e echelons onderhoud. Bedradings- en montagegegevens.
CM-300287. 4/5TH11-959/2. Dutch Army, 5 October 1976.
- Ecolex X KL/TGA-3572, Training Instructions: 23-10A
Verbindingsdienst (Signals Corps), Lesstencil (Dutch).
CM-302674. Dutch Army, August 1985.
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