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Condenser PBJ
Message condenser and cipher machine

Condenser PBJ 1 was a rotor-based cipher machine, developed between 1922 and 1924 by Paval Baráček-Jacquier (1885-1969) and used by the Czechoslovak diplomatic service until 1934 [1]. It's a polyalphabetic substitution cipher/autokey cipher that generates 10-letter code­words consisting of alternating consonants and vowels. It was the first cipher machine developed in Czechoslovakia. 2 To our knowlege, there are no surviving samples or photographs of the PBJ.

The image on the right therefore shows an educated guess of the machine's exterior, based on the descriptions in the surviving manual [3].

The device is housed in a metal enclosure with an extension at the front. At the top surface are 10 removable paper strips, each with 10 tuples. To the right of each strip is a selector that is used to set one input character. The extension at the front houses 10 rotors, each of which has 10 faces. The face at the top is visible through a narrow window. This is the output character. After entering 10 characters with the selectors, the crank must be turned clockwise, after which 10 output characters appear in the windows.

At the beginning of a message, a unique initialisation vector (IV) must be set. It defines the initial state of the rotors and is sent in clear. Each time the crank is turned, the value of the input letter (set with the selector) is added to the corresponding rotor. This is done by advancing the rotor a number of steps equal to the value. Due to the circular nature of the rotor, this is a modulo 10 addition. The reset lever puts all 10 rotors in their neutral state. A full description of the machine, including the reconstructed encryption algorithm and cryptanalysis, can be found in The Conden­ser PBJ cipher machine by Eugen Antal, Paul Reuvers and Pavol Zajac in Cryptologia (2024) [1].

  1. The name PBJ is derived from the initials of the inventor Paval Baráček-Jacquier.
  2. In the 2021 Cryptologia article The First Czechoslovak cipher machine [2], Štolba was presented as the first Czechoslovak cipher machine, introduced around 1935. It has since become clear that it was preceeded by Condenser PBJ, and that Štolba was probably the second cipher machine developed in Czechoslovakia.

MAIN ARTICLE — The text on this page is largely based on the article The Condenser PBJ Cipher Machine written by Eugen Antal, Paul Reuvers and Pavol Zajac and published in Cryptologia (2024) [1]. For a mathematical description of this machine, the message format, message examples and a discussion on the cryptanalysis, please read the original article.

 Download the article
A detailed description of the machine can be found in the original operating instructions of 1934, along with a sketch of its exterior [3]. From this document we've been able to make an educated guess of the machine's exterior and controls, which is reflected in the artist's impression below.

Educated guess of the machine's exterior

The device consists of the following main parts:

  1. Body
    Metal unit with 10 mechanical adding machines
  2. Strips
    10 removable paper strips with letters and figures
  3. Selectors
    10 letter selection knobs (aside the strips)
  4. Rotors
    10 removable rotors, each with 10 faces (steps)
  5. Reset
    Spring-loaded reset lever
  6. Crank
    Removable crank for advancing the internal state
  7. Windows
    10 windows through which the rotor positions are visible
  8. Lock
    Paper strip locking knob
The strips (B) and the rotors (D) are the secret elements. When the machine was not in use, these elements had to be stored in a safe. Once the secret elements had been removed, the machine was no longer considered a controlled cryptographic item (CCI) and could be handled by an unauthorised person, for example for repair. The following KEY elements were used:

  • Annual key
    This key was changed only once a year, and consists of a set of 10 paper strips printed with 10 tuples each, and 10 rotors engraved with the same tuples. The contents of the tuples and their order is determined by the annual key.

  • Daily key
    This key was changed every 24 hours, and defines the order in which the strips and the rotors must be placed in the machine.

  • Initialisation Vector (IV)
    This is a specially constructed 10-letter group that defines the initial state of the machine before starting encryption. It consists of an indicator, the date and the message ID. The IV is sent in clear at the beginning of a message.
In the context of the Condenser PBJ cipher machine, the following expressions are used:

Consonant   One of the letters B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z
The machine recognises 20 consonants. Note that the letter 'Y' is omitted (which in the Czech language is actually a vowel). It is replaced by the similar sounding 'I'. Each strip holds 10 tuples, with two consonants each. Consonant strips may only be installed in odd slot positions.
IV   Initialisation Vector
Specially constructed 10-letter group which is sent in clear at the begining of the message, and which defines the initial state of the cipher. The IV holds a message indicator, the date and the message ID.  More
Rotor   Cipher wheel with 10 faces
A rotor is a circular device with 10 faces, equivalent to 10 steps, that is mounted on a shaft. It is driven by the adding mechanism inside the body of the machine. Each face contains a tuple, which is identical to the corresponding tuple on the strip with the same ID. The upper face is visible through a window in the protective cover. There are 10 rotors, which are installed at the front of the machine. The rotors are part of the secret elements.  More
Slot   A slot is a rectangular space at the top surface of the machine, into which a strip is installed. Strips can only be installed or removed, when the strip access flap is unlocked first.
Strip   Input field
A strip is a vertical list of 10 tuples with a pointed bottom end, that can be inserted into a slot. There are 10 slots: 5 for consonant strips and 5 for vowel strips. They are held in place by a strip access flap at the rear of the device. This access flap can be locked. Consonant strips and vowel strips must be alternated, starting with a consonant strip. Each strip is numbered (0-9) and is part of the machine's secret elements.  More
Syllable   A consonant followed by a vowel
In the context of this cipher machine, A syllable is a letter-pair consisting of a consonant followed by a vowel.
Tuple   Datastructure with different elements
Each strip holds 10 tuples, or cells, each of which holds a figure (0-9) and one or two letters. One of the letters may be printed in red.
Vowel   One of the letters A, E, I, O, U
There are 5 vowels, each of which appears twice on a vowel strip: once in white and once in red. In the Czech language, the letter 'Y' is also a vowel, but it is omitted here. Vowel strips may only be installed in even slot positions.
Code condenser
The PBJ machine serves two purposes: (1) it is a code condenser and (2) it is a cipher machine. The first purpose – the condenser – may need some explanation. In radio telegraphy, telegrams were transferred either verbally, by means of morse code or by teletypewriter (telex). This means that the message had to be retyped a number of times before it reached its final destination.

In the 1920s, telegrams were usually charged per word. In order to reduce cost, various code­books had appeared on the market, such as the Peterson International Code of 1929 [7]. It trans­lated frequently used sentences into a single 5-letter code word, which was cheaper to send. In practice, real words (e.g. VEHICLE) were easier for the operator to memorise and handle than arbitrary code words like PBQFZ. The reason for this is that real words are made of a mixture of consonants and vowels, which make them pro­nounceable. Such words are easier for the ope­ra­tor to handle with lower chance of mistakes.   

As a result, the telegraphic regulations were altered in such a way, that real words were cheaper to send than arbitrary code words. Arbitrary words were charged at full rate, whilst pronounce­able words received a discount. It was also allowed to use non-existing 'invented' code words, such as OXIDONU, to quality for a discount, as long as they were pronounceable. This led to a range of new codebooks that had 5-letter code words that contained one or two vowels. 1 The PBJ cipher machine offers a similar solution, by forcing a message format in which consonants and vowels are alternated. This makes the code words pronounceable and therefore cheaper.

Ciphertexts are usually formatted in groups of 5 letters. The reason for that is that most people can memorise arbitrary 5-letter groups easier than longer sequences. But as the PBJ machine forces the use of alternating consonants and vowels, it appears possible to memorise 5 syllables instead of just 5 letters. For this reason, 10-letter code words, such as XOBURATEMU, are used on the PBJ. Although the PBJ machine is presented as a condenser, it doesn't really com­press the text — it actually makes the text longer — but was merely used as a cost-reduction tool. When encrypting the plaintext on a PBJ machine, these properties are retained, as the message format remains unaltered: a consonant is replaced by a consonant, and a vowel is replaced by a vowel.

On 1 January 1934, the PBJ machine was abandoned when the new Telegraphic Regulations came into effect [4]. Two articles of these regulations may have been responsible for this. Article 10 §2 restricts the length of a code word to 5 letters. This could have been circumvented easily though, by sending each 10-letter code word as two 5-letter groups. Article 11 §2 is more restrictive, as it forbids the use of figures in the ciphertext, which was possible on he PBJ machine. It is also possible that better cipher machines had meanwhile become available in Czechoslovakia.

  1. In addition, some codebooks allowed built-in redundancy, which enabled error-detection and in some cases even error-correction. A good example is The New Boe Code of 1937 [8].

The body (A) forms the base of the machine. It holds 10 mechanical adding machines. Before encryption or decription, the secret components – the strips (B) and the rotors (D) – are inserted in a given order, indicated by the daily key. The 10 strips are installed into the 10 rectangular slots at the top surface of the machine, accessible through a lockable flap at the rear edge (K). To the right of each slot is a sliding selector (C) that must be used to select the desired input letter.

Condenser PBJ with open rotor compartment and strips partially removed

At the front of the machine are 10 rotors (D), of which the current positions are readable through 10 rectangular windows in the top of their protective cover. These are the output characters. The machine operates on 10 characters simultaneously. The spring-loaded reset lever (E) is used to clear the machine's internal state at the beginning of the encryption process, after entering the Initialisation Vector (IV) with the selectors (C). By pushing this lever to the right, all rotors are set to their neutral position. To the right of the strips is a removable crank that is used to advance the internal state of the cipher. It always has to make a full 360° turn, either left or right.

When encrypting, the crank always has to be turned right. This adds the value of the selectors (C) to the position of the rotors (D). When decrypting, the crank has to be turned left to subtract the value of the selectors from the current rotor position.

In the input field of the machine, 10 paper strips are installed. Together with the rotors they form the secret components of the machine. There are five strips with consonants and five with vowels (a, e, i, o, u) which have to be alternated, starting with a consonant strip. Each strip has 10 lines, or tuples, each with a figure and one or two letters. The consonant strips have one figure and one letter printed in white, plus a letter printed in red. The vowel strips have a figure and a vowel, printed in white. As there are only 5 vowels and 10 positions, the lower half of each vowel strip hold a figure in white and a vowel in red. Here is an example of a consonant and a vowel strip:

Strips 7 (consonants) and 6 (vowels). For clarity, the letters are shown in black and read. In reality they are white and red.
Layout of strips 7 (consonants) and 6 (vowels)

At the bottom of each strip is its identification number in the range 0-9. Note that the bot­tom end of the strip is pointed somewhat. This is done to make it easier to insert the strip into a slot. Although only the contents of strip 7 are specified in the manual [3], the other strips could be reconstructed from the preserved plaintext-ciphertext pairs [1]. Here is the full set:

    Strip ID
Value   7 6 5 0 3 2 9 4 1 8
0   4MN 8U OKX 2I 5GQ 7E 3DT 3A 7FV 5O
1   1HZ 5O 2BP 7E 3DT 8U 8JW 2I 9LR 3A
2   OKX 2I 7FV 3A 6CS 50 1HZ 7E 3DT 8U
3   2BP 3A 9LR 8U 7FV 2I 4MN 50 1HZ 7E
4   3DT 7E 5GQ 5O 4MN 3A 9LR 8U 6CS 2I
5   5GQ 0A 3DT 6O 1HZ 9I 2BP 9I OKX 1E
6   8JW 1E 6CS 0A 8JW 6O 7FV 4U 4MN 9I
7   9LR 6O 8JW 1E OKX 4U 6CS 0A 2BP 4U
8   6CS 9I 1HZ 4U 9LR 0A OKX 1E 5GQ 6O
9   7FV 4U 4MN 9I 2BP 1E 5GQ 6O 8JW 0A
Type: Cons. Vowel Cons. Vowel Cons. Vowel Cons. Vowel Cons. Vowel
Overview of the tuples on the strips and rotors

Like the strips, the rotors belong to the secret components of the PBJ machine. They must be stored in a safe when the machine is not in use. There are 10 rotors which are installed at the front of the machine, behind a protective cover. Each rotor has 10 faces that are printed with the same tuples as the corresponding strip. Although this is not described in the manual, it is likely that due to space restrictions, the tuples are printed vertically on the faces of the rotor as shown below. The faces are removable so that new ones can be installed as part of the annual key.

This drawing shows how the rotors were probably installed in the machine
Educated guess of the rotor construction

Based on the original operating instructions [3], an educated guess about the construction of the rotors can be made, as shown in the image above. Each rotor has its own construction. It consists of a vertical metal mounting plate with a bearing that holds a hollow horizontal shaft. One side of the shaft — we have assumed the right side — is for mounting the rotor. It has an index pin that mates with an index notch at the inside of the rotor. This is done to ensure that the rotor is always mounted with the correct face up (i.e. visible through the window in the protective cover).

Rotors 7 (installed) and 6 (removed) seen from the top

It is likely that the rotor is driven by a cogwheel that is mounted on the same shaft, at the other side of the mounting plate. This cogwheel is then driven by the adding mechanism inside the body (here shown in red). The image above shows two rotors (7 and 6) as seen from the top of the machine, with the second one (6) removed from the shaft. Note the index pin. It is likely that a rotor carried the same identification number as the corresponding strip with identical tuples. The construction is similar to the rotor mechanism of the later Hagelin CX-52 cipher machine.

Stretching the rotor shaft with a blunt awl (move mouse over image)

To ensure that the rotor does not come off when it rotates, part of the shaft is embossed. The manual describes that if it does fall off, the supplied blunt awl must be used to strech the shaft somewhat [3]. This is illustrated above. Move the mouse over the image to see the effect.

Message format
Annual key
The annual key consisted of the the order and contents of the tuples that were printed on the strips and the rotors. New strips and rotor faces were supplied once a year. They were regarded as secret components, which had to be kept in a safe when the machine was not in use. One complete annual key was reconstructed by [1] from examples in the original manual [3].

Daily key
The daily key must be constructed in such a way that consonant and vowel strips are alternated, starting with a consonant strip. The rotors must be installed at the front, in the same order as the strips. The daily key that was reconstructed from the examples in the manual is as follows:


Initialisation Vector   IV
The first 10-letter group of the ciphertext is the initialisation vector (IV). It is used in the encryption/decryption process to define the initial state of the cipher machine (i.e. the state of the 10 adding machines at the start of the procedure). The IV must be properly constructed with respect to the consonant and vowel alternation, and is formatted as follows:

  • 2 syllables
    Indicator (syllables in the range SA to ZU) 1
  • 1 syllable
    Day of the month (01 to 31)
  • 2 Syllables
    Message ID in the range 0001 to 9999
The IV consists of syllables only, which means that the date and the message id have to be converted into letters first. The input numbers are always processed in pairs (i.e. two digits). If necessary, leading zeros should be inserted (e.g. 1 → 01, 113 → 01 13). Each 2-digit number
is converted into a 2-letter syllable
using one of the tables below, depending on the value of
. Further details about Date and Message ID format, can be found in [1].

is in the range 1 to 5:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
b c d f g h j k l m  
n p q r s t v w x z
u o i e a u o i e a  
u o i e a u o i e a
  1. Two syllables from the same group must be choosen. The second one is redundant. Syllables in the range BE to RU are reserved for other cipher types.

Formatting rules
Based on the original manual [3], the following rules had to be obeyed when creating a message. Note that all diacritical characters and punctuation marks must be removed from the plaintext.
  1. Numbers in the text must be formatted as follows (except for the first group, the IV):

    • Insert the word
      before the number
    • Insert the number of digits of the number
    • Write the numerical value of the number
    • Insert the checksum (sum of digits

  2. Selected bigrams, letters and special characters are replaced:

    • př, pr → f
    • št, st → q
    • ch → g
    • šk, sk, čk, ck → w
    • y → i
    • dot and comma characters → ko
    • ? → co

  3. Alternation of consonants and vowels. This is known as a syllable.
    If there are two adjacent consonants, the vowel 'U' must be placed between them. If there are two adjacent vowels, the consonant 'X' must be placed between them. In this case, the letters X and U are nulls, but note that they can still be used in other parts of the text. This means that their nature as nulls must be deduced/guessed from the text.

  4. If the text begins with a vowel, consonant 'X' must be inserted before it. If the text ends with a consonant, the vowel 'U' must be added at the end.

  5. If the length of the last group is less than 10 characters after application of rule (4), additional characters must be added. This can be done by repeating the last syllable.

Before encrypting a message, the cipher machine must be set up. This is done by inserting the strips and installing the rotors in the order specified by the daily key. Each rotor must be installed directly under the strip with the same identification number. Next, the crank is mounted on the top surface of the machine. It will be used to advance the machine to the next state. Turning the crank right means rotating it 360° clockwise. Turning it left meas rotating the crank 360° counter clockwise. To encrypt, do the following:
  1. Format the plaintext as described in the formatting rules
  2. Construct the initialisation vector (IV)
  3. Enter the IV by means of the selectors
  4. Engage the reset lever, release it, and turn the crank right
  5. Set the 10 letters of the first plaintext group usig the selectors
  6. Turn the crank right
  7. Read 10 output characters from the windows
  8. For the remaining groups repeat:

    1. Set the 10 letters of the next plaintext group using the selectors
    2. Turn the crank right
    3. Read the new ciphertext group from the windows

The decryption procedure is very similar to the encryption procedure, except for the following:

  • Because the ciphertext is already formatted, step (1) is skipped.
  • In steps 4 and 8b, the crank must be turned left instead of right.
  • Note that in step 6, the crank must still be turned right.
Note that encryption and decryption can also be done with pencil and paper, without using the machine. This is described in Appendix B of [1]. The machine is merely an aid to do it faster and with less chance of making mistakes.

  1. Instruckce k šifrovému stoji 'Condenser PBJ'
    Instructions for Cipher Machine Condenser PBJ (in Czech language) FOUO [3].
    Note that the drawing in the original manual contains a mistake. It shows 11 windows instead of 10.
  1. The Condenser PBJ cipher machine
    Eugen Antal, Paul Reuvers, Pavol Zajac.
    Cryptologia. Forthcoming publication. Author's copy.
  1. Eugen Antal, Paul Reuvers, Pavol Zajac, The Condenser PBJ cipher machine
    Cryptologia. Forthcoming publication. Author's copy.
     Published online: 1 August 2024.

  2. Eugen Antal & Pavol Zajac (2021): The first Czechoslovak cipher machine
    Cryptologia, DOI: 1080/01611194.201.1998809. 28 December 2021.

  3. Instruckce k šifrovému stoji 'Condenser PBJ'
    Instructions for Cipher Machine Condenser PBJ (in Czech language) FOUO.
    NARA, 1924. Document n. 2251/Ic/24. Record Group 457, Entry UD-22D 21, in the series: Archival and Historian's Source Files, box 4.
    Note that the drawing in the original manual contains a mistake. It shows 11 windows instead of 10.

  4. Final Protocol to the Telegraph Regulations - Madrid 1932
    International Telecommunication Convention (ITC, now: ITU). Madrid, 1932.
    43-152-2. Translated and issued by the GPO, London, 1933.

  5. John McVey, Condensers
    22 July 2013. Visited 9 December 2023.

  6. Figure Codes and Code Condensers
    S. Tomokyo, 20 September 2014 - 5 March 2020.

  7. Ernest. E. Peterson, Peterson International Code
    3rd Edition, 1929.

  8. Conrad Boe, The New Boe Code
    Oslo, Norway, 1937.
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