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OTT cipher machine (mixer) - wanted item

The ME-840 was an off-line cipher machine for teleprinter networks (telex), developed by Mils Elektronik in Mils (Austria) in the early 1980s, as the successor to the TT-360. The machine offers unbreakable encryption, by using the Vernam principle to mix the data from a clear-text tape with the random data from a One-Time Tape. The machine was succeeded by the ME-640.

The ME-840 was the first cipher machine from Mils that could use randomly generated keys from punched paper tape (OTT) was well as from 5¼" floppy disc. The machine was housed in a standard 4U 19" rackmount system, with the (black) floppy disc drive at the front left.

The image on the right was extracted from the ME-840 sales brochure, in which the various possible configurations are further explained [1].
Help required
At present we have no further information about this device. Furthermore, we are still hoping to add it to our collection in due course. If you have such a device or any related information, and are willing to donate it to Crypto Museum, please contact us.

  1. Mils Elektronik, ME-840 Off-Line Telex Cipher System
    Full-colour sales Brochure. 8 pages. Date unknown, but probably early 1980s. 1
  1. Document kindly supplied by Mils Electronic.

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© Crypto Museum. Created: Monday 10 June 2013. Last changed: Saturday, 24 February 2018 - 13:43 CET.
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