The Pied Piper (PP) research project led to the development of the
STR-40 transmitter (bug) and the compatible
SRR-40 surveillance receiver, both of which were
supplied to the CIA for evaluation,
complete with baseline documentation.
It is currently unknown whether the CIA or any of its contactors in
the US built equipment based on this development.
The idea for the switch receiver was used in 1967 for the design
of the remote-controlled SRT-57 transmitter, and in 1970
for the design of the QRS-25 system.
As far as we know there are no surviving pictures of the Pied Piper
project or any of the devices developed as part of it. If you have
additional information about this project, please contact us,
so that we can enhance this page.
SRT-40 was covert listening device (bug) that was developed
as part of the Pied Piper research project. At the end of the
project, the design of the SRT-40 was supplied to the CIA.
It is likely that the device was then manufactured in quantity
by another (US-based) subcontractor.
No image available at present.
Technical details will be added as and when they
become available.
SRR-40 was surveillance receiver that was developed
as part of the Pied Piper research project. It was compatible
with the SRT-40 transmitter. At the end of the
project, the design of the SRR-40 was supplied to the CIA.
It is likely that the device was then manufactured in quantity
by another (US-based) subcontractor.
No image available at present.
Technical details will be added as and when they
become available.
- Provisional Operating Instructions for P.P. - Mk I Equipment
NRP/CIA, April 1966.
- Manual for PP-Mk I Equipment
NRP/CIA, August 1966.
- Study for PP Actuator and Tester
Development study for short-range PP Mark I system.
NRP/CIA, April 1967.
Any links shown in red are currently unavailable.
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© Crypto Museum. Created: Sunday 27 November 2022. Last changed: Sunday, 26 May 2024 - 07:33 CET.